now I'm sitting here waiting to get the proofs back from the printer. I think our first issue is going to be a success.
Pete and I are going to make a sequel to Blue Dawn. making movies is fun. its going to be called King of the Blue People. we were going to film it yesterday but we had a freak storm in the area. we ended up watching Cabin Fever at Naomi's instead.
ok time to go... I promise I'll have more exciting things to update about in soon

I've seen it and love it. I try to get more people to see it. I don't understand why it isn't far more popular. I thought it was much better than the Matrix in that vein of cinema, and I'm one of those many kids who watched the Matrix wide-eyed on sid(not the first time I saw it, but still, it affected me quite a bit).
I love Cabin Fever.