Monday Oct 06, 2003 Oct 6, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email commit suicide VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS madlucas: I have a pile of friends in virginia that I will see. beyond that it's just a couch. and maybe a fishtank. I'm in sturbridge, ma. right now .. staying over with a friend who has a wireless set up, so I figured I would plug in for a minute.. Oct 7, 2003 tarbaby: believe me, right now i'd love to. ps: on face the jury i have the "choose not to be rated" thing turned on. hahaha! Oct 7, 2003
I'm in sturbridge, ma. right now .. staying over with a friend who has a wireless set up, so I figured I would plug in for a minute..
ps: on face the jury i have the "choose not to be rated" thing turned on. hahaha!