Taken from my forthcoming remix project "The Yacht Rock Cruise". Enjoy this preview track.
I'm excited about seeing Samantha Fish in concert in December. I love her style of blues and rock (not to mention, really easy on the eyes).
Did you see a cool concert this year? Please share in the comments.
I think this lady is absolutely adorable. My pumpkin carving skills are far worse than hers. I think we belong together.
From butterflyandmarishka
Thanks for the follow! <3
Sorry to add to the stress in the world, but I felt this was important.
I just have this feeling that you came to my page today hoping for an outstanding meatloaf recipe.
I hope you aren't disappointed because I really would like to make new friends here again after being absent for a year.
I'd love for you to listen to some of my DJ mixes that I provide the links to. I'm really proud of them. I'll definitely...
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I love recording my own mashups. On my Soundcloud page, I have recently posted my new mashup album titled "The Sound of Music that Rocks". I took all the songs from the original soundtrack to "The Sound of Music" and mixed it with heavy metal guitar riffs. It took me over a year to make, but I am really proud of it.