So yesterday I got the other side of my lip pierced. It's pretty badassssss. I love it. It's sore right now... but I LOVE IT!!! So herrrrre's some pictures.
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Tuesday Nov 03, 2009
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Thursday Oct 15, 2009
My license in suspended. I have no money. Therefore I cannot get my l… -
Sunday Jun 14, 2009
Why is my SG account still in existence?? Heh.. I know i didn't pa… -
Wednesday Sep 19, 2007
Does anyone read this still????? If so I need some help. I'm doing am… -
Friday May 25, 2007
Why do I bother? SERIOUSLY! Why do I ever get my hopes up about anyth… -
Wednesday May 16, 2007
Soooooo I have an amazing opportunity that I can't really talk about.… -
Sunday May 13, 2007
So I hate money. I HATE money. I hate that I need a crappy job to pay… -
Wednesday May 09, 2007
La LA la LA LAL ALA LA AL ALAlasdfas'djlfa d I'm bored. I added so… -
Wednesday Apr 18, 2007
Late night rehearsals are kicking my ASS.. effin theater.. ouch... an… -
Sunday Apr 08, 2007
Well fuck me. Life sucks. I need sex.