Dropped by at the Summer Darkness festival in Utrecht on Saturday. I could have gone the full three days, but to be honest most acts I wanted to see were there on Saturday, so why pay 30 euros more for a few acts I've seen before and could do without seeing again right now?
We got to the city at about 14:00, got our passes, grabbed some late lunch and then tried to get ahold of a booklet with the program for the day. After finally managing to track one down we constructed a schedule and then set out to see the first of the acts we wanted to see, Reaper. Kind of gimmicky, with a strange mask and for some reason he had to have two robed monks with him on stage (spiritual support? *ponder*), but the music was excellent.
Miscellaneous pics:

Me looking slightly less ass-tastic than I usually do in pictures...

This what you get when you yawn at precisely the wrong time...
Then off to a good Thai restaurant down by one of the many canals the city possesses to eat dinner.

After dinner, we went to one of the other two venues to spend the rest of the evening. First up was Grendel, Dutch Industrial/EBM. They put in a solid performance, but after a while it became a bit repetitive. Also, when you're singing, try not to mouth the samples in your songs. It looks weird to see your mouth moving while the samples are not clearly audible.
Then Welle:Erdball, German Kings of Bleeps 'n Beeps. A great show that surprised me really. I've always thought their music kind of lacks some punch, but it gets so much better live. Next time they're in town (or in country really), I'll be sure to head over and catch them again.

Welle:Erdball look good in suits, in that eerie Matrix way.
And last but not least, Combichrist. Andy's still angry and he'd like for you to know.
Great show, very different from Welle:Erdball, but equally enjoyable. I danced for about 45 minutes before the crowd got too suffocating. Then I simply went upstairs and continued my gyrating there.

Andy showing off his tats...
By the way, see the music video for "Get your Body Beat" here.
Excellent day in all, but I was glad when I rolled into bed at about 3 A.M. That's what you get for being a middle-aged dad.
We got to the city at about 14:00, got our passes, grabbed some late lunch and then tried to get ahold of a booklet with the program for the day. After finally managing to track one down we constructed a schedule and then set out to see the first of the acts we wanted to see, Reaper. Kind of gimmicky, with a strange mask and for some reason he had to have two robed monks with him on stage (spiritual support? *ponder*), but the music was excellent.
Miscellaneous pics:

Me looking slightly less ass-tastic than I usually do in pictures...

This what you get when you yawn at precisely the wrong time...

Then off to a good Thai restaurant down by one of the many canals the city possesses to eat dinner.

After dinner, we went to one of the other two venues to spend the rest of the evening. First up was Grendel, Dutch Industrial/EBM. They put in a solid performance, but after a while it became a bit repetitive. Also, when you're singing, try not to mouth the samples in your songs. It looks weird to see your mouth moving while the samples are not clearly audible.
Then Welle:Erdball, German Kings of Bleeps 'n Beeps. A great show that surprised me really. I've always thought their music kind of lacks some punch, but it gets so much better live. Next time they're in town (or in country really), I'll be sure to head over and catch them again.

Welle:Erdball look good in suits, in that eerie Matrix way.
And last but not least, Combichrist. Andy's still angry and he'd like for you to know.

Great show, very different from Welle:Erdball, but equally enjoyable. I danced for about 45 minutes before the crowd got too suffocating. Then I simply went upstairs and continued my gyrating there.

Andy showing off his tats...
By the way, see the music video for "Get your Body Beat" here.
Excellent day in all, but I was glad when I rolled into bed at about 3 A.M. That's what you get for being a middle-aged dad.

You have incredible eyes