Christmas is usually a time for reckoning and taking stock, and having spent the last 2 months wallowing in my own self pity and feeling sorry for myself, spending time with my gfs family and in particular her 81 year-old nan made me remember what enjoying life was all about.
One ingredient never lacking at Christmas is perspective and this came in the worst form at 5am Boxing Day morning when my gfs nan was taken into hospital unable to breath. We rushed down to the hospital and when asked to come to the relatives room I suddenly feared the worse; last time I was asked to step into a relatives room I found my family in tears as my mother had just died - that feeling of absolutely dread and desperation never escapes me, I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it now.
Since arriving her nan had made some progress but we were asked if wed like to go stay with her. As we all stood there she slowly opened her eyes and looked around, smiled and said in a surprised voice 'hello' (much to everyone relief); that women never ceases to amaze me; within 15 minutes she had her colour back and was joking with us. Turns out she had a mild heart attack, when quizzed why she had no medical records we had to explain she hadnt been to a doctors for 30 years, they were simply amazed. I went to see her yesterday and she's making excellent progress and spent the whole time making everybody laugh as usual, she has lots of more tests to be done but things are looking good
So despite me being bitterly ill, stuck inside the house, and the radiator still leaking in the office and many more crisis I feel thankful and happier today then I have for a long time.
Happy New Year to everyone!
One ingredient never lacking at Christmas is perspective and this came in the worst form at 5am Boxing Day morning when my gfs nan was taken into hospital unable to breath. We rushed down to the hospital and when asked to come to the relatives room I suddenly feared the worse; last time I was asked to step into a relatives room I found my family in tears as my mother had just died - that feeling of absolutely dread and desperation never escapes me, I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it now.
Since arriving her nan had made some progress but we were asked if wed like to go stay with her. As we all stood there she slowly opened her eyes and looked around, smiled and said in a surprised voice 'hello' (much to everyone relief); that women never ceases to amaze me; within 15 minutes she had her colour back and was joking with us. Turns out she had a mild heart attack, when quizzed why she had no medical records we had to explain she hadnt been to a doctors for 30 years, they were simply amazed. I went to see her yesterday and she's making excellent progress and spent the whole time making everybody laugh as usual, she has lots of more tests to be done but things are looking good

So despite me being bitterly ill, stuck inside the house, and the radiator still leaking in the office and many more crisis I feel thankful and happier today then I have for a long time.
Happy New Year to everyone!
i wonder what kind of cheese she used. i think i know what you are talking about. it was so weird when i first moved here, i thought everything was weird tasting but since i havent been home for 4 years almost, i have the feeling once i go home everything there will taste weird.
what part of sweden did you visit?
well take care and i hope your new years eve is safe and happy.
She lived in Stockholm so I spent most of my time there, although we did venture out to her parents in Upsala a couple of times (forgive any spelling mistakes) and spent a lot of time in their country house canoeing and things - wonderful memories
She tried to teach me Swedish, but to this day I only ever mastered "thank you", "your welcome" and "hello" - hehe