I recently went for a job interview in MVC. It's only a part time job, and pretty much only for over the Christmas period, but I need money.

They asked me the usual in the interview, and I talked about my interest in music and movies and how Im planning to study film at university.

This place is heavy on selling music and DVD's, so...
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Please send it biggrin
And I'll apply for position of right hand man, my computer game job is absolutely retarded.
I don't talk to you enough any more.
I'm doing film as an elective course, and all the film lecturers at Sussex are brilliant.
I'm always so bloody busy, I feel like I'm losing touch with all the people I actually want to stay in touch with. I'm blooy working all the time I'm not in uni, and when I get time to myself I'm so tired I kind of lounge about staring into space instead of doing anything useful. Or surfing the internet aimlessly.
Did you know it's illegal to push a live moose out of an aeroplane in Alaska? Presumably a dead one is okay.
For the last 3 months or so I have been without a room. Ive been sleeping on the sofa in the living room of the house while the garage is being converted, without planning permission. In order to avoid getting planning permission, a builder who is a friend of the family was employed who is (supposedly) quick and cheap.

Well, it seems that his method...
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hahahaha I've finally read your journal smile
Now never again use the words "safe, mate" in my presence unless you want me to poke a fork into your brain via your eyeball.
boobs smile
In my recent hunt for employment I happened across a sign up in the window of a branch of The Body Shop in town, beckoning me inside to apply for part time work, seducing me with the sweet smell of nature and pictures of naked women hiding their breasts with pots of orange body butter made from the finest goats tears.

Now, for those of...
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...the guinea pig is called Stephen?
That's what meant. I knew it was wrong as I was typing it but I couldn't work out why. Our cats are Penny and Harry so I see where you're coming from.
I have to go to bed, I'm going a bit crazy and commenting on everything on this bloody site whether I give a shit or not.
One day I will have proper internet access and msn and I will catch up on your tales of guineapigness and things properly instead of always thinking "I should find out what's happening with Jamie" and not actually doing it.
You know what? I hate spiders.

I mean I really hate them, they freak the crap out of me. I have a pretty high tolerance for creepy stuff, I have a pretty strong stomach when it comes to gore, but spiders turn me into a gigantic pussy.

There's a certain type that gets me worse than any other though, and surprisingly its not the bigger...
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Conversely, I'm now at my mums, and she has AOL. I now feel your pain for the last however many years. Also, her computer is stoneage so it's seriously seriously slow.
If you edit the pictures in photoshop you could put little pairs of silly glasses on them, maybes silly hats too.

It could help.
I havent updated this thing in ages, I feel I should do something to keep it alive.

Let's see,

Moved house recently. Back up to the side of town that I like. Its nicer than the creepy, haunted-feeling hole we were in before, alot nicer, but there's a drawback in that for the moment I dont have a room. Im living at the back end...
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I wish you lots of luck with your job hunting. I'd say retail to tide you over, but I feel that it would bore you somewhat. Perhaps something office based; at least you'll have the whole "teamwork" crap to put on your cv.

I've got to stop coveting those shiny iBooks. They look wonderful. smile
Yay you're back.
No, you buy me an iBook.
When I was a kid I was a big fan of Superman. He could do anything and everything, fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, turn stuff to ice with his breath, even make time go backwards in the first movie, and he had an awesomely cool costume. Superman was THE man.

As I got older I started to realise that the whole Superman thing doesnt...
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May the fourth be with you.
hi skull
While staring at a bunch of shelves in my room earlier as a way of avoiding doing a 3000 word essay on my drama exam I noticed something odd. My razor caught my eye, one of those Wilkinson Quatro things. I used to use a Gillette Mach 3 but I switched, and it was whilst staring at it that it occured to me why. It...
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You're damn right. I've never noticed that before, only in the "new"-ish men's cosmetics. All the men's stuff is grey or black or (Boot's Organics) shades of grey and grey green and white. The only colourful stuff seems to be the King Of Shaves stuff, and that's because of the stuff inside the bottles. All the women's stuff on the other side of Boots is more colourful and *happy*.

Plus, they've advertised that razor with a Saleen S7. You know what they say about men with big cars...
Big wallets.

On the whole laser sword front, we've been known to have lightsaber fights at work...
i totally fuckin agree!!!!! lol eeek
Im not a particularly religious man, and I feel kind of weird referring to myself as a "man" now too. Not because of any sort of gender issues (...I put that behind me years ago..*girlish sigh*), but because in my head Im still 17 years old. I should be writing bad angsty poetry and self-harming like they all seem to be doing these days.

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You are the loveliest person in the world, your testimonial has done the impossible and cheered me up after a few Very Bad Days.
Heh, look at you being all cool with your plays instead of books. POSER smile I just spelled 'with' with an o and a q in it, so obviously liking plays makes you more intelligent than me. Or less prone to typos.
I've been sorting some of my stuff out at my dads house and found a parcel I forgot to send to you from AAAGGGESS ago, it's got 2 tapes and a letter and a candy cane, which is probably manky by now. Do you even have a tape player?
P.S. this is my favourite journal entry EVER. Sadly I am now imagining Kane being tombstoned by the Underta- the Pope. And also, what's a DDT? I mean I know what it looks like, but I never understood what it stood for.
love your music taste truly rocks!! You seem like a truuuuly adorable guy!!!

ERE ya goooooo biggrin
Im still as yet uninspired by the art exam question. "My own space". All I need to do is show some sort of development process, I dont even need to come up with a final piece. All its done so far is get me to look at Francis Bacon's stuff a bit and then ignore it.

Thats not the worst part of the work I...
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I have to do a whole bunch of Japanese work, including a 200 word essay. I can't be bothered.
Chickpeas are really nice whole in like curry and stuff, but I can't say I remember ever eating them on their own.
I was woken up at 8.30 by the cleaner here hoovering outside my door. She spent 4 hours cleaning the flat. I don't know how, since all she does is chuck bleach down the loo and sinks, and hoover the corridor. A clue may be in that she wakes you up at 8.30 then disappears for 3 hours, then comes back to finish off.
My own space. Um. I drew a girl in a bottle in a room where the walls were the sky and ceiling was the floor and the door was tiny and the window was a brick wall and all the perpectives were weird. But then my space has always been a bit mudded. Go in the Art groups and ask for inspirations.
Holly hell. That sounds beyond hard. That's why I did maths.

I am kind with my washing machine at night and in the morning.It has the same effect on the people below me.

okay so, I missed my lift to college this morning. I walked all the way into town to discover I didnt have change for the bus. I thought Id take a ten out and get change. Apparently I have about 4 in the bank. Ironically enough a return bus ticket is 3.

So for the next two weeks I have off college I have no...
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I've tried acting like Dylan Moran in my day to day life. It is quite fun biggrin
Yeah, I think it's just us. I'm gradually spreading it, so far I have you and neeearly Adam eating it...I persuaded him to try mayonnaise on pizza and humus on breadsticks after a lot of "but it's gross" whinging from the boy, and he now won't eat pizza or chips without mayonnaise. Plus he came over this weekend and we ate 2 tubs of hummus between us. However I doubt I'll be able to get him to eat it on pizza, that's just us. *sigh* why are people so blinkered?! Mayonnaise and humous taste good on EVERYTHING.

(I still don't know how to spell houmous though)