Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well! I wanted to take some time to talk about a few things. Life has been super stressful for me.
If you're new, Hi! I'm Bre. I am chronically ill and disabled!
Don't let it fool you, I will do my hardest to break out of that mold. I want to show that not every disabled person has a severe deformity or physically looks different. I may look normal but that doesn't mean I am healthy or able-bodied! The reason I share this is to bring awareness but also it let's people closer into my life so I don't seem so out there or out of reach. At the end of the day i'm a human being just like you! Unless you're secretly a vampire... If you are, that's cool!
I digress. I wanted to give a real update and a view into my every day life! As of late I have had a ton of flare ups. This includes lots of pain, fatigue, and as of recently, a lot of allergic reactions. The weather plays a huge role with my illnesses. While many of you have been having beautiful snow, I have had horrible rain and constant storms. If any of you get headaches or joint pain, you get it. This has caused me to not be active as much. HOWEVER, that does not mean I am not creating or planning!
While being stuck I have definitely created new ideas both for new sets, merch, and so many other things. I have been wanting to stream on twitch for so long and I think I've finally built up the courage to try, even though my computer doesn't work the best. I have been crafting so many things for cosplays that will hopefully be done soon. I also have a new set that should be out in 4 months and I'm so so excited for you guys to see it!
At the end of the day, I'm on this website because I want to be here. No ulterior motive. I enjoy talking to you guys and I love the community that has been built here. I have made so many new friends and I wouldn't change that for anything!
If you've made it this far, I'm impressed. Well I hope you all have been doing well and keeping healthy. I hopefully will be back soon! Hopefully I will become a full SG! I sure hope so! I'm not gonna stop trying and I really appreciate all the support.
P.S You're the bee's knees.
@penny @missy