Courtney is back, yes i have re-joined SG. Me and my bf Rob will be saring this account. He uses this account more than I do, and we both have access to the email and comments. Just letting you all no. Family Guy rules.
Some time this week i will be canceling my membership on SG. I don't get enogh use out of this site, and have no money anyways. So it was nice but I must go now. It was fun. Byes all.
Updating this thing! Been working out for a month now. I love it and I look and feel great. (also eating healthier) Going back to school for nursing soon. All that school work! It will be worth it in the end. Happy holiday's to all of you by the way. Hope you have a good one. I want sushi. Ok byes.
New Journal, Oh yay. I joined the gym 3 weeks ago, I love it. I can already feel my body getting more toned, it's amazing. I need more pics on here I no I no, My web cam sucks, sorry. Life is going good. Going back to school soon for nursing. yay ness. Give me some love. Byes. xoxoxox Courtney
yea, i'm doing pretty good right now...just trying my best to move on...i just wish one of the girls i like was single o well, meagan's boyfriend is a douche & i think she wants to leave him anyway
New Journal. Yay! I need to take some more pics. Not much new is happening. Halloween was sick for me. I can't shake this cold. Sad stuff. Didn't eat to much candy. Saw Converge Live, It was awsome, Woot woot. Such a nerd. Byes.
Thats good.. when i get colds i pretty much ODon nyquil so I just sleep through the whole thing... ... my halloween was iffy... i worked till 7 and then I didnt really do anything... Last year people wouldnt hand out candy.. so this was my first official year of not trick-or-treating.. hehe so that was upsetting .. but I bought the friday the 13th collection and watched 1-4 of those .. so yeah i guess it was not all that bad...
Ok, I am updated my Journal. I don't do it often because I have a bunch of Journals already That I write in. Hmm what's new? I got my hair cut (its cute, ill have to post pics) Besides that its all work, Bieb and work.. oh and Im getting sick and that sad. Ok byes now.
Oh, another lawyers bitch. Do you have yours trained, or are they still bastards? I've been working for mine for 4 years, I have them whipped into pretty good shape.
i saw those pics that person posted on your journal (2nd comment) and i thought those were yours.. i wasnt paying attention lol.. dont worry about my 1st comment cuz i'm a dumb fuck
Hey all. I am new to SG but I love it. The girls are Hot and have personality and the ppl on here are sweet. Leave me a comment and I promise to get right back. Byes.
ive been listening to in the orchard and remembered forever a lot. those to songs are just splendid. and thanks for liking my art. i dont usually like it at first, but when i see people react to it positively, well it makes me feel better about it.
Yeah, I've decided to record every episode now so I can watch them in order. I have In demand on my television so I can watch like four or five episodes in a row!
Working sucks... why can't I just sit around me house and be independently wealthy? I'm going to take up a charity organization called "Lillith doesn't like to go outside" and see if people will send me money!
I hope you having a great day... I can't wait to see more pictures of you!!!! Yeah!!!!