So I am a firm believer of Murphys law. Anything that can go wrong inevitably will, and this last week has proved it. In the last week I got in a huge fight with one of my closest friends, got my leave (im in the army) revoked because of training that im not even going to be doing. This charming little act leading to me calling my cousin and telling her I cant attend her wedding, as well as canceling on my father for his birthday. Next the battery in my car decided to shit out, which after I replaced my water pump went. Culminating in a blown engine today. Its ok though because I can always use my best friends car... no wait yep I cant, he let me use it this weekend and I got ran off the road by a drunk driver and its still waiting to be fixed. Toss in a 500 dollar cell phone bill because verizon reactivated a phone in my name that has been disconnected for over a year and a half, and a triple charge for 3 drinks at husks' on friday night. Well you get the idea. Monday to Sunday in a nut shell right there and I feel like im going to go into melt down. Now usually I just take things in stride but at the moment it seams likes gods waging war on me and I needed to vent. Figured It was either here or myspace and I fucking hate myspace.
you sir are very similar to me
hehe just opened my account I read this on Morias account and told her to come cheer you up
sorry to hear about that mang, but maybe its better to have a few shitty days bunched up than have them stretched out, at least you get over it all at once