Who wants to hear a HIGHLY inappropriate joke?
I'm serious. This joke is in really poor taste. Don't read it if you are easily offended.
So about trivia night -- the boss lady says that if I can get 12 teams this time, then I can keep going with it. So if you're around, PLEASE try to make it out on Thursday. I really have a lot of fun with these things and would hate to see it come to an end.
The pretty girl came into the store tonight. It's very rare that I actually get lightheaded while talking to a girl, but mercy me....It took me tonight to realize that I hold my breath subconsciously every time I see her. Hoo boy.....
On a lighter note, I'm back on the Veldt getting rages for Gau. I'm kind of bummed that I have to pick up Mog while in the World of Balance, since he joins the party at level 11 (definitely detrimental to my low-level-but-still-get-everything game). But I have to get him because he can only learn the Water Rondo while in the Serpent Trench in the WoB. I've already fouled up the perfect low-level game, since I accidentally got some experience points in the 3-party Kefka fight in Narshe. Obviously, I did finally beat Ultros -- but I had to level up Banon to do so (OK, since his level doesn't count toward the party's). And as if you didn't already know -- Dadaluma is a TOTAL wuss -- even for a Level 5 Locke and company.
and hey, you never told me what you perceive has changed about me that surprises you so...i'm really curious about this...i have a hard time remembering how i came across to you back in the college daze...
also, if i lived anywhere near you i would most definitely come out to your trivia...i love trivia, but the only half-decent place to play such games got old a while ago & the crowd's no fucking fun...not that this helps you much, but...
And I'm not getting-rained-on homeless. I'm crashing with friends this week, and ebaying a bunch of crap I didn't have the heart to throw away.