Why the hell do I have Zero sex drive?
Yes, I'm drunk, but it's still a valid question.
I've been in relationships that ended largely because I didn't want or enjoy sex.
Sure I masturbate, but mostly just as a release, it's not something I really enjoy either.
Sure I've been on weird kicks where my testosterone shot through the roof, but they are few and far between.
There's usually no way to use the energy either.
Does anyone know a secret formula to get a guy interested in sex?
I've tried just about everything I can.
From medication to sheer saturation.
None of it seems to work.
I'm pretty damned frustrated...

Yes, I'm drunk, but it's still a valid question.
I've been in relationships that ended largely because I didn't want or enjoy sex.
Sure I masturbate, but mostly just as a release, it's not something I really enjoy either.
Sure I've been on weird kicks where my testosterone shot through the roof, but they are few and far between.
There's usually no way to use the energy either.
Does anyone know a secret formula to get a guy interested in sex?
I've tried just about everything I can.
From medication to sheer saturation.
None of it seems to work.
I'm pretty damned frustrated...

I think I'm a little bit mildly pi-polar, but with a very regular year long cycle. I'm always kind of depressed and anti-social in the fall and early winter and then that turns into a deep lonliness and longing to be with someone (in a deep serious relationship kind of way) in later winter followed by a raging sex drive in spring (where all I want to do is party and drink and fuck), which subsides a little in summer when I'm less concerned about sex and more about just having anykind of fun (ie, more interested in good quality time with platonic freinds, but also interested in no-strings sex as well). From about april to September I'm the most happy positive person you've ever met. then around every september I lose interest in any relationships I might be in/persuing and I calm down a bit and go back into this "hibernation" where I just want to be alone.
It's happened consistantly enough for so many years that I try to just enjoy the phase I'm in. I think a lot of people are on similar cycles. I'm sure your libido will return with the spring. For now just focus on whatever else is going on with you.
oh yeah, merry xmas and all that shit.
Oh, I got that cool Nintendo pen that changed colors. I haven't actually tried to write with it yet, but it sure is pretty.