New semester starts tomorrow. I actually quite looking forward to it. It is one semester closer to my long awaited degree (I still hae a fair amount of credits left before I have it though). My only issue is the fact that sometimes, I HATE my school. I originally went ot Kent State University right out of high school. I spent a year there and loved every minute of it. the school was very safe and the course offerings were excellent. When I decided to go back to school and finish my degree, I transeferred to a university closer to where I lived (since Kent was over a half an hour drive, sometimes an hour or more in the winter). Number one, I had 16 credit hours, an entire semester that did not transfer. The university i go to know CLAIMS they do not have equivelent courses (which I cheked and they do, just call them by different names). Not only that, with my major, there are certain classes that I need to take ASAP...problem being...the university only offers one section of certain CSIS courses per semester and they all seem to be scheduled at the same time! What the hell is that all about. I swear this school is hellbent on making people remain students much longer than what is neccessary in order to make more money. The campus itself seems to be safe. I have been there 3 semesters now and not a single problem (other than vagrants begging for money). The university is situatated in the downtown area of one of the top 10 crime capitols in the United States. Our campus police do a decent job of keeping the vagrants off campus, but they are not that good at it. I was approached my first semester there by two of them begging for $10 for bus fair across town. Number one, the busses in this area cost less than $2 no matter where you are going. I informed them I do not carry cash (NEVER on campus) and they proceeded to call me a rich bitch and insist I was lying. When I retaliated by telling them even if I did have money, I would not give them any because I refuse to support the habits that put them on the streets in the first place, one came towards me as if he were going to hit me. I pulled my pocketknife out of my pocket and that was enough to make them both walk away (withot ever even opeing the blade). This kind of shit was UNHEARD of on Kent campus when I was there. I felt perfectly safe walking down the street of Kent late at night from party to party or bar to bar. How I miss being a Golden Flash 

damn i would go back
but whatever you do stay safe