I started prednisone today ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prednisone ) and even though my doctor told me to not be worried about the side effects cuz its such a small dose I'm on, I'm still a little worried about gaining weight. I can't get any fucking fatter than I already am. And I hate side effects. Does anyone have any personal experiences with this drug?? Wish me luck.
Oh yea, this is in response to the new findings on my blood tests. Apparently my coritsol level is low, and this is to boost it. Its supposed to "cure" all my problems, and I will be on it for life. Yay drugs.
Oh yea, this is in response to the new findings on my blood tests. Apparently my coritsol level is low, and this is to boost it. Its supposed to "cure" all my problems, and I will be on it for life. Yay drugs.