Yea. Apparently having a friend with benefits isn't for me. I have one, who is also my ex, and I was always dreading the day when he started to date again. And it happened last nite. And I had an anxiety attack. I don't know if this new medication cymbalta is working or not. I know its not helping my neck at all. I may switch back to good old lexapro, the miracle drug. Although in my crazy paranoid induced defense....I have never had to deal with being friends and lovers with an ex and then having them date other people. Its new to me and I guess I'm not taking it too well. In all fairness, I have been dating a lot since him, but STILL!!! That dominant side of me wants him all to myself. Soooooooooo the search continues. I rearragned my profile on, I figure, may as well get gifts and or money for my time instead of getting dicked around and makin out with dudes I don't know. This way I get my kicks, but don't have to worry about kissing them or having sex. Hopefully my ex/friend/lover won't be getting into a relationship anytime soon, cuz I still need him for a good deep dickin' every once in a while.
Yes I'm a pervert.
Yes I'm a pervert.

Ya friends with benefits is a very tough situation. For somebody is going to eventually have feelings.Nobody can handle it that well. I mean you were in a relationship with him so ofcourse there will be lingering feelings. The only way you get over them is by starting a new relationship wiithout alll the dicking around.That my two cents but what do I know. I am a virgin who has never been in a real relationship. Nothing wrong with being a pervert either.

I've tried the Fw/B before and its not for me either. Yeah i know i gave ya a mouth full last time lol i tend to just say everything thats on my mind and i kinda.. well ramble and i hope you didnt mind. I just wanted to let you know that you aren't the only person goiing through it or who has gone through it. I hope we can meet up at the show and don't worry about not having anything to talk about both me and sixele can be shy too lol. I have some back problems too as well as knee problems so feel free to show up we can all find a nice place to cop a squat from time to time to give our bodies a rest.