Ok so apparently my friend who is my sugar daddy type guy decided he wanted to reactivate this account so I may as well make the best of it. I'm going to get a body pillow and spray mens cologne on it cuz , yes, Im pathetic and lonely. I love my girlfriend Mary. My friend "Hot John" (i have many men named John in...
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Bought an electric toothbrush yesterday....where has it been my whole life? Its amazing..my teeth feel so smooth and my mouth tastes a lot better. If you haven't invested in one (mine was under 20 bucks)...please do so. You don't want to be toothless one day, do you? And bad breath and scummy yellow teeth are just a turn off.
Yeah, I know they can be scum. Atleast with masturbation I always come.
I'm sure we can work it out.
Oh yea..and what gives with all this "zombie pinup" crap?? What is so hot about looking like a corpse? Someone please explain it to me, because it seems to be really popular on the internetz these days and I just don't get it.
hahahahaha! what can i say, the young chicks have always liked me
im only as old as i feel...

im only as old as i feel...

uhhh... they can't get with a real girl? so zombie girl next best thing?
or just decided to kill two birds with one stone for a tattoo? lol
or just decided to kill two birds with one stone for a tattoo? lol
So...I got a check from school for over 1500 dollarskis...yay free money! At the conference I went to last weekend, I learned about shoulder problems and shit, and now I'm thinking perhaps instead of having neck problems, I have arthritis in my shoulder or some sort of bone problem that makes it sag...therefor putting pressure on my neck muscles to hold it up. Surprisingly, nobody...
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LONG POST AHEAD!! I've divided it into sections...so read what you want or fuck off.
Day one at hospital, patient care:
I did NOT have a good first day at the hospital. We had to follow a patient from admitting, through their surgery, as they wake up, and when their discharged...and me being shy and anxiety ridden, my mind went absolutely blank when I saw...
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Day one at hospital, patient care:
I did NOT have a good first day at the hospital. We had to follow a patient from admitting, through their surgery, as they wake up, and when their discharged...and me being shy and anxiety ridden, my mind went absolutely blank when I saw...
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same damn way. school and working in retail really limit the events i can go to.
i loved your heart tattoo though.
if you can, you should come to the devil doll show as well. :]
i loved your heart tattoo though.
if you can, you should come to the devil doll show as well. :]
Freakin insane that your tatt's might "soil" the patient. How about the real threat of the fugly long nails which harbor staph??
I'm sorry you have all of the malaise. Come out to Devil Doll and let's have a complain-o-rama. My pain is all psychic tho...
I'm sorry you have all of the malaise. Come out to Devil Doll and let's have a complain-o-rama. My pain is all psychic tho...
So 2 people got kicked out of the program today...which scared the crap out of me since I was borderline from being kicked out (3 abscenses)sp?...... but lo and behold...I MADE IT! Well, at least to the next level. So needless to say, I've been having an ongoing panic attack since 9am. I just took some tylenol pm to put me to bed. I'm nervous...
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I knew you would make it babe. I never was worried. I'm really happy for you. I will say again I'm sorry for what i did to you and I've put you through. Thank you for accepting me back i know i was a fuck up and i fucked up i will never do this or hurt you like this ever again. i love you babe :-*
below is my new tattoo to commemorate the turn in my life. first i will explain my new personality.
i will no longer insult people using sarcasm, i will no longer be looking for that one special person to love me forever (exception with slaves..teehee). i will no longer argue with people over stupid shit. i will no longer get jealous over other women in...
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i will no longer insult people using sarcasm, i will no longer be looking for that one special person to love me forever (exception with slaves..teehee). i will no longer argue with people over stupid shit. i will no longer get jealous over other women in...
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they always show up when you least expect it and when you stop looking

Personally, even though I have never met you in real life, MOST of the things that you want to change sound like the way I am. I can understand that new acquaintances that do not know you might find these things offensive. Just stay true to yourself. Good blog, and I love the ink!
mo money...mo problems.

Blargh. I changed my aim name....so if you want it, ask for it. Or else eat cock and die.

i didn't have to ask for it .... I'm special 

well im not gonna eat cock thats for sure
besides, i refuse to do AIM... not even with my own gf
did i look unenthusiastic at Combichrist?
i mustve been tired or something. i gotta cut back on partying 

did i look unenthusiastic at Combichrist?

As for the movie quote, would I find the answer in "Tobins Spirit Guide"?