So it hasn't quite been a month since my last post, but that's still a lot of time for things to have happened in the meantime. This will probably be quite long, so here goes.
My husband had gone to Russia for a short tour with Spielerfrau last month. He was back home for a little under 13 hours before he had to turn around... Read More
I'm going through an "I hate SG" phase. At the risk of sounding whiny and holier-than-thou (ha ha hee hee), I find the ubiquitous fluffiness of this site aggravating after a certain point. It's a great forum for meeting intelligent, creative, kind people, and I like it for that. I was so happy to meet those of you that I have already, and will in... Read More
I'm embarassed to admit it, but i seriously think that some of my funnest times were dancing in the clubs on ecstasy or mushrooms...
it was that wonderful feeling of euphoria and everyone kind of being on the same wavelength.
And not being self conscious at all about how you looked.
and the lights were so pretty!
seriously though, it did make the music so much more intense...
anyway, we miss you on here
Yes, I think so. I just watched a program in which a proponent of intelligent design, and a professor of [biological?] sciences were debating their opposing views. I felt myself panicking slightly whenever the proponent of intelligent design spoke. He was very articulate and level-headed, but I felt uneasy whenever he posited that one has to... Read More
So am I to assume that you saw this "how to build a fake glass bottle" and yet still didn't make me one to use as a joke in front of my former co-workers? What's next? Will you refuse to fulfill my food requests for Thanksgiving Day?!
I can see you pulling away someone's chair. It's just a shame that the person wasn't Afterbirth. Ah, c'est la vie, que sera sera, and so forth...
I've never seen "Death in venice"...
but i read about it on IMDB, and it sounds pretty bleak..
have you seen it?
so uuhh.. i guess that makes two somewhat creepy films shot over there right?
Now i'm wondering if Dario Argento ever shot any of his horror flicks in venice?
I've noticed that Mike has some weird shit going on in his SG also. Mine is mostly pretty good, except sometimes I can't get to a friend from the "friends" page, I have to find them some other way.
Vinnie & Gloria eh? I can see why you didn't bother to change their names! So cute! I can't wait to meet them!
My cat, and all of my cats I've had as an adult have been indoor cats. Just about every cat we had when I was growning up got hit by a car.
I used to volunteer for PAWS and we had a whole sheet full of reasons why people should keep their cats indoors, but some people just don't care, or can't be bothered. Me? I like having a clean, healthy, flea-free pet, and minimal vet bills!
Here's a not very good picture of my baby Boo....she will turn 9 the end of this month.
Have a great weekend, I'm off to San Francisco! wheeeeee
Okay, how's 'bout some pictures and respective captions since I want to put up something new but don't feel like being witty and/or deeply introspective? Hyah we go!
The last Spielerfrau show I went to was at Mercury Lounge -- "which I hate" (said in the voice of David Brent, of course). It was a sleepy Sunday and... Read More
No, no, there's nothing violent here, friends! No shootings, stabbings, or beatings today. Just some wacky, zany, kooky inventions and products that do not benefit mankind at large, and although they serve a very narrow purpose indeed, are just so damn fun to spend money on.
Because I know some people just don't want to read about the tragedies of our daily existence, I put the following article about the recent school shooting in Colorado as a spoiler. Now you don't have to read it unless you want to.
tell me about it. all my friends have stories about the stuff they learned to do as kids or the sports they played and all i ahve to contribute to the conversation is "i read and stayed inside alot."
Mixing different lines of text is fun. For instance, I now believe that you're a fan of strawberry cupcakes with sphincter icing. Whatever the hell that is...
If we're doomed thanks to a supervolcano, I'm taking a full week off work with a fake sickness, consequences be damned!
Do you recall how Jerry's cousin pulled off one of Tom's whiskers? That's GOTTA hurt.
That is horrifying!
about the crash that is..
i think of death pretty much everyday and certainly dont consider it a morbid subject, just one that casually ties in with the subject of life itself i guess.
I work with death and sickness everyday too...
a lot of people forget that (because i work at an animal hospital)
but when you are around it all the time (with animals of course moreso than people)
it brings it to the front of your mind pretty much constant...
and now with my oldest cat getting up there in years, i find myself trying to "emotionally prepare" myself for it..
but thats kind of silly, because no matter how much we try to prepare for the loss of a loved one, we still are never quite "ready" for it are we?
i always thought i would either die in a car accident or probably lung cancer (my own doing of course)
i just hope i dont die alone in a nursing home surrounded by strangers.
Sometimes i'll come home from work and drink myself in a stupor from having to deal with back to back grieving families who had to put their pets down, now mind you , like i said ... i pretty much see it everyday, but sometimes we'll have these days when "BAM!".. its one after another
its gets a bit mentally exhausting sometimes..
damn, that was long.. sorry!
That roasted eggplant sure is a killer!
hope you guys had a nice thanksgiving!