I am happy to say that I had a superb visit with the wonderful SurlyMike and the lovely HolaGatita on this Thanksgiving Thursday. It was raining all day, and it was a quick visit of a mere few hours, but like the intrepid troupers that they are (hear that, Mike, troupers -- eh? Eh!?!) they made it in and rocked Williamsburg like the Casbah could only hope to be rocked! They were wonderful guests, and wonderful people all-around! Should they mention swinging by your neck of the woods, they are must-have guests! We conversed, we laughed, we furrowed brows in concern (albeit lightly!) and we made fun of others. I can't wait to abuse their hospitality when I decide to camp on either one's front lawn in a fit of meth-fuelled schizophrenic homelessness. Alas, I did not take any photos of the ecstatically happy event myself, because as Mike and HG can vouch for me, I was being used as an on-again/off-again mattress by one of my cats (the famous Vinnie). I hope that they post photos ASAP (and maybe video -- wink, wink, nudge, nudge?) They did bring me a giant 2 pound (!) box of chocolate. I have managed to clear the top tier already -- by myself! -- in two days. I am feeling a bit disgusted with myself and slightly suicidal from all the sugar crashes. So I'm going to make my coworkers eat the rest of the box so I can revel in their choco-shame and choco-anger. (A fist in the face tastes better when the fingers making the fist are smudged with cocolate -- Lesson #1)
So since I have no visual documentation of this wonderful meet-and-greet, I will post what I do have... which is random junk I snapped. Yea! Junk!
What is this...? Oh yeah, detail shots of one very special poster from my husband's James Hunter tour. Supposedly, only this one venue in Burlington, Vermont made limited-edition posters -- I'm guessing lithograph? (I was gonna take a lithography class at the School of Visual Art, but I got stuck with woodworking and dropped out like a lame-ass. Waaa! I don't wanna work with a circular saw in a warehouse in August!)

This is how my cats usually sleep (when not on top of me), trying to shut out all light and shadow. This is Gloria, but she can't take credit for the maneuver -- she learned it from her brother, Vinnie. He does it all the time, whereas she only does it once in a blue moon, like here.

And these are various photos I shot of things in my house.

This is actually a photo of a photo. The thing being photographed (from another photo) is one of those funny rubber ring crafty kits that you cook in an oven to make various shapes. Remember shrinky-dinks? It's like that, only in ring form.

But online, I found this mind-blowing version someone made as a self-portrait. If you know this person or how she made it (and I don't think PhotoShop's "cutout" feature could have mapped it out) please let me know!

Without opening the box, I can't tell what's in this item. Earplugs? Candy? Date-rape drug? Any guesses are welcome!

This is really more for SurlyMike's sake (so gouge your eyes out!) I would like to think he could appreciate the words "Yee" and "Haw" when in conjunction.

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I have realized I am not a fan of poultry. There, I said it! Chicken has tasted suspicious to me for years now, and I was greatly disappointed by the Cornish game hens I made this holiday. You might think the organic/non-organic factor would have played a large hand in the Taste Bud Wars, alas, 'tis not so. I have sampled from both farms, many times, and have come to decide that the supplier is not the issue. There's something about poultry that just tastes... foul? (Too easy in the lame puns department!) However, I am still a fan of turkey on a certain level, simply because it is so versatile when masked. I love the turkey bacon, the turkey sausage, the ground-turkey-as-beef-substitute, and the turkey-breast-as-sandwich-filler. I often dream of Renaissance Fair-style smoked turkey leg, alas, such a fair in New York City is not likely to be organized anytime soon.
I hope you've all had a lovely time this holiday, even to our trans-Atlantic brethren and... sistren who don't celebrate Thanksgiving. May the waning autumnal daylight shed kindly on all our holiday-ravaged bodies.
Also, if you are a fan of the famous Ricky Gervais podcasts but didn't know he was doing a holiday trilo-cast (I just coined the term -- it probably needs some major work) please download them before it's too late! Consider it a gift from me. And did you know....
I saw this in the dictionary a while ago:
"xity"... which is another way to signify Christianity. Tell your atheist friends who are bored with "X-mas" to put this in their pipe and, um, renounce it!
Okay, basta!

So since I have no visual documentation of this wonderful meet-and-greet, I will post what I do have... which is random junk I snapped. Yea! Junk!
What is this...? Oh yeah, detail shots of one very special poster from my husband's James Hunter tour. Supposedly, only this one venue in Burlington, Vermont made limited-edition posters -- I'm guessing lithograph? (I was gonna take a lithography class at the School of Visual Art, but I got stuck with woodworking and dropped out like a lame-ass. Waaa! I don't wanna work with a circular saw in a warehouse in August!)

This is how my cats usually sleep (when not on top of me), trying to shut out all light and shadow. This is Gloria, but she can't take credit for the maneuver -- she learned it from her brother, Vinnie. He does it all the time, whereas she only does it once in a blue moon, like here.

And these are various photos I shot of things in my house.

This is actually a photo of a photo. The thing being photographed (from another photo) is one of those funny rubber ring crafty kits that you cook in an oven to make various shapes. Remember shrinky-dinks? It's like that, only in ring form.

But online, I found this mind-blowing version someone made as a self-portrait. If you know this person or how she made it (and I don't think PhotoShop's "cutout" feature could have mapped it out) please let me know!

Without opening the box, I can't tell what's in this item. Earplugs? Candy? Date-rape drug? Any guesses are welcome!

This is really more for SurlyMike's sake (so gouge your eyes out!) I would like to think he could appreciate the words "Yee" and "Haw" when in conjunction.

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I have realized I am not a fan of poultry. There, I said it! Chicken has tasted suspicious to me for years now, and I was greatly disappointed by the Cornish game hens I made this holiday. You might think the organic/non-organic factor would have played a large hand in the Taste Bud Wars, alas, 'tis not so. I have sampled from both farms, many times, and have come to decide that the supplier is not the issue. There's something about poultry that just tastes... foul? (Too easy in the lame puns department!) However, I am still a fan of turkey on a certain level, simply because it is so versatile when masked. I love the turkey bacon, the turkey sausage, the ground-turkey-as-beef-substitute, and the turkey-breast-as-sandwich-filler. I often dream of Renaissance Fair-style smoked turkey leg, alas, such a fair in New York City is not likely to be organized anytime soon.
I hope you've all had a lovely time this holiday, even to our trans-Atlantic brethren and... sistren who don't celebrate Thanksgiving. May the waning autumnal daylight shed kindly on all our holiday-ravaged bodies.

Also, if you are a fan of the famous Ricky Gervais podcasts but didn't know he was doing a holiday trilo-cast (I just coined the term -- it probably needs some major work) please download them before it's too late! Consider it a gift from me. And did you know....
I saw this in the dictionary a while ago:
"xity"... which is another way to signify Christianity. Tell your atheist friends who are bored with "X-mas" to put this in their pipe and, um, renounce it!
Okay, basta!

Hmm, you might be a fan of smoked turkey or chicken?
that OPAL looks like it could be an album cover...
Wishing you a lovely holiday season!