I am in Cleveland recording my album. This is an experience, let me tell you. The songs are sounding incredible. Michael, my producer, is a fucking genius. I think I am happier than I have ever been. I am living my dream. My album is going to sound incredible. Everyone who has heard the preliminary tracks has marvelled at how original and amazing it sounds....
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Glad everything is coming together! Can't wait to grab the album.

So I'm taking traffic school online. If you get the right school, you can totally answer all the quiz questions, jot down the answers, and then surf the net or do whatever for the next x minutes until the timer counts down. I am OK with this.
I got a speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago on my way to work. I admit I...
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I got a speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago on my way to work. I admit I...
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Happy Birthday!!


I start recording in November. Whoopee!
It gives me a bright ray of hope as I toss my cookies 10 times a day.
And no, I am not pregnant. Every doctor has said that I might be and then the tests came up negative. I have some weird stomach issue. I am thinking something with my bile duct. The doc gave me Prilosec, and it...
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It gives me a bright ray of hope as I toss my cookies 10 times a day.
And no, I am not pregnant. Every doctor has said that I might be and then the tests came up negative. I have some weird stomach issue. I am thinking something with my bile duct. The doc gave me Prilosec, and it...
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Congrats on the recording! I've sort of neglected the Native Americanmythology concept project I started some time back, but my band is working on a DVD. No one else in the band seems to want to record even though I have the equipment. And they say I don't take it seriously because I don't like playing by setlist and like us to just run with whatever happens.
The barfing thing - perhaps an esophageal motility disorder depending on circumstances preceding it - neither myself nor the others with whom I worked at the time of my diagnosis were familiar with it until the Medical Director doctor called his friend, a gastroenterologist, who guessed it over the phone and confirmed it in person. Main thing is, can you swallow food, fluids, and or your own saliva when it happens? Anyway, a gastroenterologist may be a way to go. An esophogeal motility disorder's hard to diagnose as you can't swallow barium when it occurs, though. Oops - I see you had an endoscopy already.
So you're soon to be a starving artist. Nostalgia! In fact, Starving Artists was my first band - a hardcore band started in '83 or so - but we soon changed to Blind Titless Bitch, then Hershey Squirts, then some other stuff. Good luck!
Been Caught Stealing's one of my favourite Jane's Addiction songs - We tried using our electric guitars unplugged and just with mics up to the strings onstage once, but couldn't pull it off.
Ooh, gotta go - Harold & Maude's on TCM, then I have a midnight drum circle to join.
The barfing thing - perhaps an esophageal motility disorder depending on circumstances preceding it - neither myself nor the others with whom I worked at the time of my diagnosis were familiar with it until the Medical Director doctor called his friend, a gastroenterologist, who guessed it over the phone and confirmed it in person. Main thing is, can you swallow food, fluids, and or your own saliva when it happens? Anyway, a gastroenterologist may be a way to go. An esophogeal motility disorder's hard to diagnose as you can't swallow barium when it occurs, though. Oops - I see you had an endoscopy already.
So you're soon to be a starving artist. Nostalgia! In fact, Starving Artists was my first band - a hardcore band started in '83 or so - but we soon changed to Blind Titless Bitch, then Hershey Squirts, then some other stuff. Good luck!
Been Caught Stealing's one of my favourite Jane's Addiction songs - We tried using our electric guitars unplugged and just with mics up to the strings onstage once, but couldn't pull it off.
Ooh, gotta go - Harold & Maude's on TCM, then I have a midnight drum circle to join.
are you getting dizzy as well, because you may be experiencing a mild type of vertigo, get your ears checked just to be safe

I am about done being sick to my stomach. Done being in pain. Fuck being sick. Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it.
I am tired of being sick. I am sick of being tired.
I wish these people would stop "practicing" medicine on me and actually do something worthwhile.
And here I thought I was going to get out of my 3-year funky health issue...
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I am tired of being sick. I am sick of being tired.
I wish these people would stop "practicing" medicine on me and actually do something worthwhile.
And here I thought I was going to get out of my 3-year funky health issue...
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Sorry to hear it kid... Why DO they call it "practicing" medicine anyway?

"From the first page
To the last day
From the start in your own way
You just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are..."
-- Coldplay, "Square One"
You have no idea how much I feel these words throughout my being at this moment.
To the last day
From the start in your own way
You just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are..."
-- Coldplay, "Square One"
You have no idea how much I feel these words throughout my being at this moment.
Hey! Guess what? I am now officially a cruel druggie bitch. That is a new high for me. Next I am going for cunt whore pigfucker.
Anyways...I am going to be moving to the city my parents and family and friends live in. Not sure when. I feel so alone here.
So I may not have a job tomorrow. I threw my weight around something...
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Anyways...I am going to be moving to the city my parents and family and friends live in. Not sure when. I feel so alone here.
So I may not have a job tomorrow. I threw my weight around something...
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Wow. What a tale. I'm about to leave my job too, 'cause I keep getting fucked without the KY, but what the fuck???
Glad your voice is doing better.
Cruel Druggie Bitch, huh? Was that an 80s hardcore band?
Good luck on the job thing.
Glad your voice is doing better.
Cruel Druggie Bitch, huh? Was that an 80s hardcore band?
Good luck on the job thing.
Sorry to hear the bad news, but fuck having a job where people are just going to shit on you. You can find something better where they will give you the respect you deserve. Where are you moving to? Right now I'm in Orlando 5 days a week and hopefuly I'll be getting a new job soon. At least your voice is better. It sounds amazing and I have a few friends who want me to tell them the second there is a way to get a cd.
Love the good,
Fuck the rest.
Love the good,
Fuck the rest.
It's funny - I was watching TV at work the other day (uh...did I say that out loud?)...and I saw this commercial. "Do you have anxiety? You could be a part of an investigational medication study." I laughed my ass off and said to myself (out loud - proof that I am crazy) "I am an investigational medication study". I am on so much shit...
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You are an amazing woman. I look at all the things that you have accomplished from your son, to your music, and your business. All of that takes so much guts and tanacity. If you aren't happy doing your job anymore then try for something else. Life is too short to miserable all of the time. Hugs for you sweetie!!
rorshack does the ink blots
On Friday, I went to the rockinest bachelorette party. We went to a gay bar (GAY-bar gay-bar!). It was great. The club was fantastic. The bartenders made great drinks. Hot guys danced on the bar and did striptease. I swear to god, one guy had enough willie for like four girls. We were all like "whoah". One dancer tried to follow me home...it was great....
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so #1 question, how's the pipes? as someone who's always played an instrument (though working on the vocal side of things), I've been lucky.. if a guitar or bass died, I could replace it.. the pipes are another matter!
the organ.. oh holy crap, I'm in love. I found a joint that sold manuals for organs, and they had the service manual
as well as the owners manual. $33 bucks later, I had 'em both. The S-M let me know how to open the top up, and
I've been cleaning rodent poops and roach corpses out of it since. Found a ton of severed (rat chewed?) key
lines that I need to repair... but just shop-vacc'ing the thing has improved it's condition.. I have found that it was
build on nov 5 1970, so I'm scraping 35+ years of dust outta it.. I just popped it back together (figure I'm done w/ it for the night), and it's so much healthier sounding. Might try servicing the Leslie tremolo .. but it seems sound so far.. only desires I have is maybe making the Leslie more modular (aka make an input + output jack so I can rock a guitar input through it), and add a 1/4" output jack on the organ as a whole so I can run it into the marshall halfstack sitting in my kitchen (about 15 ft from the organ in the living room).......
so #1 question, how's the pipes? as someone who's always played an instrument (though working on the vocal side of things), I've been lucky.. if a guitar or bass died, I could replace it.. the pipes are another matter!
the organ.. oh holy crap, I'm in love. I found a joint that sold manuals for organs, and they had the service manual
as well as the owners manual. $33 bucks later, I had 'em both. The S-M let me know how to open the top up, and
I've been cleaning rodent poops and roach corpses out of it since. Found a ton of severed (rat chewed?) key
lines that I need to repair... but just shop-vacc'ing the thing has improved it's condition.. I have found that it was
build on nov 5 1970, so I'm scraping 35+ years of dust outta it.. I just popped it back together (figure I'm done w/ it for the night), and it's so much healthier sounding. Might try servicing the Leslie tremolo .. but it seems sound so far.. only desires I have is maybe making the Leslie more modular (aka make an input + output jack so I can rock a guitar input through it), and add a 1/4" output jack on the organ as a whole so I can run it into the marshall halfstack sitting in my kitchen (about 15 ft from the organ in the living room).......
Thanks, I'll pass that website along to her... That's actually more helpful than Web MD!
I was the one with her who supported her in all her issues. I basically had no life of my own, as all my time and energy went to taking care of her, but she had no real interest in taking care of herself. Being married stopped being about a relationship, and was just a dependancy. I still stuck in there and did what I could. I lost all my savings buying her meds when I changed jobs and had no insurance for 3 months... Thousands of $$ worth of prescriptions that people who really need could never afford on their own. The infidelity always felt like a combo stab in the back/slap in the face, and at some point, I'd had enough. I wish her the best, but realistically know she'll never do what she needs to, to ever get control. I keep her on my insurance to basically keep my conscience clean. That sounds crappy, I know, but I'm spent mentally. Financially I can still do something.
Good luck with the album! Hope it all goes quickly from here.
I was the one with her who supported her in all her issues. I basically had no life of my own, as all my time and energy went to taking care of her, but she had no real interest in taking care of herself. Being married stopped being about a relationship, and was just a dependancy. I still stuck in there and did what I could. I lost all my savings buying her meds when I changed jobs and had no insurance for 3 months... Thousands of $$ worth of prescriptions that people who really need could never afford on their own. The infidelity always felt like a combo stab in the back/slap in the face, and at some point, I'd had enough. I wish her the best, but realistically know she'll never do what she needs to, to ever get control. I keep her on my insurance to basically keep my conscience clean. That sounds crappy, I know, but I'm spent mentally. Financially I can still do something.
Good luck with the album! Hope it all goes quickly from here.

So here's the rub.
My voice has been destroyed for 3 months. I am missing big sections of my range. It is scaring the piss out of me.
So I finally went to an MD today, who happened to be a bit of a talkative dork (no, I don't watch American Idol, no I don't want to explain my music to you - I just...
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My voice has been destroyed for 3 months. I am missing big sections of my range. It is scaring the piss out of me.
So I finally went to an MD today, who happened to be a bit of a talkative dork (no, I don't watch American Idol, no I don't want to explain my music to you - I just...
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i'm moving to Orlando soon, so we might be able to hang out...cause i understand this post so fucking well it hurts.
damn that sucks about the throat. hope i t gets better. i hear lemon juice after a show or what not works for people that don't really sing so much as scream(i've got friends that used this method in their various careers).
when i was home the two frontline bands had genious women as the front'man'. yeah yeah yeahs and the sounds. and another band had a strong female presense. i guess it has to do with the eighties and early ninties where their were those all girl bands that were promoted fairly disgracefully. i don't know what to say other than maybe it's true; maybe since we men can't give birth we create art and when women do it we feel threatened? i can't of course completely buy into that theory otherwise i'm basically calling what i love doing the most a pychosis and i might as well just... anyway. take a wlak if it gets too much so that you don't do anything say anything you regret int he heat of a moment. it's worked for me in the past. that or screaming along to some tool. ciao
when i was home the two frontline bands had genious women as the front'man'. yeah yeah yeahs and the sounds. and another band had a strong female presense. i guess it has to do with the eighties and early ninties where their were those all girl bands that were promoted fairly disgracefully. i don't know what to say other than maybe it's true; maybe since we men can't give birth we create art and when women do it we feel threatened? i can't of course completely buy into that theory otherwise i'm basically calling what i love doing the most a pychosis and i might as well just... anyway. take a wlak if it gets too much so that you don't do anything say anything you regret int he heat of a moment. it's worked for me in the past. that or screaming along to some tool. ciao
I am finishing my album.
Code for "playing a lot of Neverwinter Nights and Command and Conquer".
Hey - the truth hurts.
Thanks to everyone who stays true through all the bullshit. Everyone who remains interested from here, myspace, etc, will get free copies of the album. This Summer/Fall, I swear.
Oh yeah, and being as I had to get a day job, it is...
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Code for "playing a lot of Neverwinter Nights and Command and Conquer".
Hey - the truth hurts.
Thanks to everyone who stays true through all the bullshit. Everyone who remains interested from here, myspace, etc, will get free copies of the album. This Summer/Fall, I swear.
Oh yeah, and being as I had to get a day job, it is...
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i hate when the bs of currency and those bits of damn if i keep start working on this now i might not know what time it'll be when i stop and have only an hour to go before work. anyway keep plugging at it and don't give it the distance that keeps you from moving forward at it.
Today is national friend day. You've been tagged as one of my friends! (I feel sorry for you).
I consider you my friend.
Ps... It's not a chain letter but you should pass it on to your friends!
I consider you my friend.
Ps... It's not a chain letter but you should pass it on to your friends!