Poop on everything.

Had to get a day job. It is a fun job, Network Admin for a resort, and the people there rock ass. But I am bummed that I have to work full time outside the home. I should start one of those donate a dollar to me funds - I can't even afford gas to get to work if I run out....
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I am pretty sure to men, lying is a sport. Really.

I think they like to half-truth (which is as good as lying in my book) and lie just to prove that they can. And then when they are called on it, it becomes "you are controlling me" (then don't say you're going to do something, braniac) or "you don't trust me to do what...
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shit, I got it and didn't even know it. Im sorry.

That's crazy.
I want to say something comforting, but the truth is you are right. We do not understand your species and probably never will. We are lame communicators. We might as well be from another planet. Please forgive us. We are men. smile
I had to change my picture back...it was just too much that DebraJean and I's pictures were hair twins. She has always been one of my fave SG's, even when we didn't get to choose five of them. And she will NEVER be removed - she rocks out. But the copy-cat look that was going on (no, I did not consciously do a ditto) just...
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The Steelers are loosers. The refs were drunk. GO SEATTLE!

I have to put up a pic of my fat fat cat. I have a darling rag-doll that the vet tells me is exactly twice the size she is supposed to be. We got her so that my mom would have something to nurture after we had to put my dad in a home, and it looks like we needed to get something a little bigger -- like maybe a horse. She has nurtured the cat all the way into being a seal.
Dude. Post pics of NAMM. All us closet guitar/musician geeks would get off on that! Por Favor!
You know, Xanax is nowhere NEAR as nifty as Vicodin.

However, I have 4 of those and 1 Vicodin.

And we all know, ya save the good stuff for the right time. smile

So here I am.

And off I go.
I don't know what the fuss is about Vicodin. It's never done ANYTHING for me. I had a bottle left over after a back injury, but they never had any effect other than a couple of Ibuprofin would have on me. So I kept them for when I had a migraine, and they'd take the edge off, but that's it. What do they do for you?

I also like the new profile pic. biggrin
I looked up "Stay" on imdb.com.... Geez, how did I miss that movie? It has several stars I love, and sounds really cool. Did it get released in theatres? Or did I just miss it?

Anyway, thanks for the heads up, it's on my list. wink
NAMM is over, and I am FUCKING TIRED. My feet feel like somebody put them through one of those taffy pulling machines. I swear I pulled muscles in my calves.

I had a great time, though. I did not get to play my showcase, which was OK considering everyone else who played were metal/glam bands. Not sure I would have fit in...heh. So I wasn't...
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Sounds like a good time. smile
Looking forward to those pics. Sounds like you made some good contacts even though you didn't get to play. smile
I'm in LA. The most exciting thing I have done so far was sleep. HEY - it was exciting for ME - I had been going on 2 hours of sleep for 2 or more days.

Today I imagine that I am going to be meeting with my band, trying to figure out logistics for this weekend. I have some appts for stylists and shit,...
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i have band practice today

no stylists, though...

anyway, thanks!
Awww... NAMM. Can't go, not enough money or time. Suck, but yeah a couple of the bands I've worked with will be there.

What are you up to so far away? How are things? I hope the music is going well.

Hi everyone! How was your...uh...non-demonational holiday?

Mine was great. Heehee.

As of today, I am officially a fiancee. Yup. He proposed. I am the fucking happiest girl EVER!!! smile

He did it in front of my whole family, which rocked ASS. They are all fucking thrilled.

More good news - I am going to NAMM this year in Anaheim. I will be there 1/17-1/24. At the...
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That fucking rocks!

Great news on personal and professional levels. Kick some ass on your showcase.
Mos def. When do you need me exactly?

let me know.
A few interesting thingees...

I have added more articles to itsallgoingtohell.com - not that it seems like too many people from here care too much. frown

I am almost done with the album, and prolly going to be showing off a teaser EP at NAMM. That is going to rock out. Next is some local gigs to drum up interest. I am looking at options for...
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I'm good, thanks.

That's a crazy post all like:

nice, good, good, nice BAD

Oh, well that's how it goes sometimes I guess.

You gonna post some new tracks for us to sample?
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! Wishing you brightest blessings for 2006.

I am doing allright. Learning to find myself and like the girl that I find. Guys are dicks because the have one. That is all I can tell you. I hope your son had a great Xmas.
OK - it's up. Not that anyone cares...where the hell is everyone anyways?


Read, and if you want, register and tell me what an asshole I am. smile
Hey, I'm here-- just late. Thanks for doing the list for me. I'm not a really big fan of that kind of stuff but if I didn't pass it along I was going to end up with bad luck or something-- yeah right. Anyway, VIC20 in the mutha fucking HOUSE! haha Ah, digital memories.

I like itsallgoingtohell.com. Did you ever catch the nickel they made a couple of years ago with the tomahawk and peace pipe on it? That's my favorite.

It is weird-- it seems traffic has really slowed down around here over the past two months. Just when winter should be keeping people inside in front of their screens.

It's snowing like mad out. It's really cool looking though. I'm gonna pop some pills and watch some flakes fall,
Sorry things have gotten slightly out of control for me and Im slowly grabbing it back and forcing it to get in order. I haven't forgotten about you. give a couple of days I'll be in contact allright...

I am back from the dead. I thought about totally quitting SG, but then they came out with the offer I couldn't refuse, so here I am... smile

I am putting together a local live band so that I can start hitting the clubs. I hope everyone who is nearby shows up. It will be killer.

linklog wants me to write 20 interesting facts about me...so...
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I feel like my life is now complete. hahaha.

Ok, Im back in town, got in very late last nite but now we can do that thing.

a'ight, I'll cal you later.
Hi everyone!

I had a GREAT bday - I was high as a kite the whole time. WAY partied. It was great. I will add pics when I get them back.

My good friend has been keeping me in the Vicodin, so I am a happy girl. In fact she just threw me another 5. hoorah.

I have a great vision for my future...and it...
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this is the best journal entry i've seen all day= it gives me an inspirational enthusiasm! ARRR!!!
Happy belated birthday.

You've been tagged! write twenty interesting facts about yourself in your journal, then tag five others.