"Boy the next words out of your mouth better be some brilliant Mark Twain shit because it's starting to get chisel on your tombstone." ~ Otis Driftwood

After a 2nd, and more focused viewing of the Devil's Rejects, I was able to soak up this movie on a more intimate level. Funny, but the word intimate might not be the choice word here, but its...
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Welcome to SG. I love your profile picture.
welcome dude
One of the things you learn after years of dealing with drug people is that you can turn your back on a person.... but never turn your back on a drug, especially when it's waiving a razor-sharp hunting knife in your eye.. ~ H.S.T (RIP)

I had to include that litttle quote there because Fear and Loathing is playing in the backround as I type...
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Ginger Lynn fucking a clown????
C'mon ...It just doesn't get any better !!!!!!

Seriously,,,,,,I loved it !!!

skull skull skull skull skull
A great numb feeling washes over me as I erase the past and look forward to the future. Just stealing a line from Rules of Attraction, but that pretty much sums up my feelings right about now. The last poker tourney at Trick Shots was tonight and I ended up doing very well for myself. about 50 or more people entered and I ended somewhere...
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Welcome to the site. Nice- you like Bright Eyes too. Ever seen Conor live?
"Was that over the top, I can never tell"
First thoughts that came to mind when I finished this picture. It was definitly what I was going for, but when I started working on it I started to freak myself out. All the other directions I could have gone with this one were cool, and I have them on file for a rainy day, but...
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HeyOo. I'm ringleader, nice to meet you. I like your profile picture. Welcome aboard SG land. biggrin
Oh yeah.....i have been 'over the top' a few........million times in my life, so no to answer your question. Also I'm currently reading Haunted. I saw it's one of your favorite books. HAve you read Lullaby? Chuck is a spendid author, and always entertains me.
This is a little late for a Wednesday journal but I'm gonna go ahead and do it anyways. The 1st poker tourney went pretty well and I played better then expected. Fucked em up with poket A's. Moneymaker was nice enough to grace my table with his presence for a few hands. I didn't get to test his skills, or mine for the matter, but...
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Quite the day. Work from 12-8 then a workout afterwards. Can really say too much at the moment but I will say that I am very excited about the next few days. Tomorrow will be the normal meeting at Trick Shots at 10pm for some hold em shit, then on thursday more hold em, then friday shook will be coming up for the weekend and...
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Hey you. I'm glad you finally decided to comment. Oh, and I thought you might find this interesting. What do you think of the site? You should put up a picture and comment more!
Definitely add a picture, so I can tell people to welcome you to the site. Hah.
Writing while I still have a little bit a free time in between Sound 1 and other workshops I have to attend today. For the first time today in B.O.M II my teacher asked me what I want to do once I get out. I knew how to respond to the question because it's one that I've been thinking about for a while now. I...
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Not much happening on this Sunday. It seems like every Sunday is the worst feeling day for me. I get that feeling like "man the weekend is finally over" so it gets me somewhat down.
As I walked into the apt. tonight around 8ish I got this weird feeling that Im gonna have to get use to walking into a empty apt. for a long...
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The past few days have been fun in the sense that I am sort of breaking out of my "normal routines" if you will. Ana has come up for a few days from UM and is staying with us. We went to a natural spring the other day about an hour from my house. Honestly is wasnt what I was expecting. It really let down....
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Well does playing poker and drinking beer make me the typical college guy? Some might say so, but it all depends on certain aspects. Does this guy play poker every night? Does this guy play only cash games? Does he drink light beer? Does this guy try to fuck everything that moves?
I've just been thinking about the activities that I take part in during...
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My cat of 10+ years was put to sleep the other day. I really did love that cat, even though I might not have showed it all that much. Coming home and going out in the back yard and having her rub up against my legs was just always what had to happen when I came home, or else the trip didnt seem complete. I...
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Finally over this little sickness that kept me in a personal hell for about 24 hours. Now its time to get back into the groove of guitar/working out/reading/writing and such. Hopefully I have the energy to work out this morning. Lord knows I need to after this past weekend.

~ Contagion