Greg and I broke up.
I live alone in a flat that's only costing me $120 a week.
I'm too afraid to use the oven/stove, and it's almost been a week.
Related to point three (and, you know, probably point one), I've lost weight this week, which is good for the set I'm doing for RB in April.
A lecturer just phoned to offer me a four week extension on all of my assignments for one unit. I'm dizzy.
I'm going to have to get back into uni now, or I'm going to fail.
I'm happy.
A few snaps of my weekend:
Saturday night was a housewarming/farewell at Harcourt themed: "Alter Egos"
My two bestys - SchoolGoth and Sally Sequins

My costume was "Me, two years ago"

Malana as "Evangeline," Burlesquette

Malana and another besty getting doown to some tunes

Things got a little heated somewhere around midnight

The next day I went Ice Skating
Greg and I broke up.
I live alone in a flat that's only costing me $120 a week.
I'm too afraid to use the oven/stove, and it's almost been a week.
Related to point three (and, you know, probably point one), I've lost weight this week, which is good for the set I'm doing for RB in April.
A lecturer just phoned to offer me a four week extension on all of my assignments for one unit. I'm dizzy.
I'm going to have to get back into uni now, or I'm going to fail.
I'm happy.
A few snaps of my weekend:
Saturday night was a housewarming/farewell at Harcourt themed: "Alter Egos"
My two bestys - SchoolGoth and Sally Sequins

My costume was "Me, two years ago"

Malana as "Evangeline," Burlesquette

Malana and another besty getting doown to some tunes

Things got a little heated somewhere around midnight

The next day I went Ice Skating

Single with no stove, looks like you'll have to get some boys to take you out to eat
