feeling ugly and not worth the time...
alone in this world and no money, not even a dime...
that's how I feel, mostly because of my meds
they make me look like death...so no new pics until I look less so deads...
I miss Autry and my ...errmm I mean and our puppy Ripper
love you so so so so much girl!!
alone in this world and no money, not even a dime...
that's how I feel, mostly because of my meds
they make me look like death...so no new pics until I look less so deads...
I miss Autry and my ...errmm I mean and our puppy Ripper
love you so so so so much girl!!
you could never BE ugly...but i know what ya mean, everyone feels ugly sometimes...like when i get off work and smell like old people and old food....and sweat...haha. Queen of feeling ugly 5 days a week. your fantastic and i hope you got a whole bunch of delicious poo colored candies today for V-Day. this is me by the end of today
you are so gorgeous! and i know what it is like to have meds fuck with you... sorry you have to deal with that shit!!