I can...
act like the biggest dork...
fart, queef, belch, snarf, sneeze, and
even scratch my butt crack...
cry, like cry as if I were alone...cry..
look like the most doped up retard..
while drooling on myself and making
absolutely no sense...
talk about anything...and I mean anything...
be gently shoved into the crack for trying...
be dirty...like not take a shower for days...
I can be myself...the girl that few get to know and see...
my true colours...you make me a better person...
You are in many ways...my 'better half'...if you weren't in my life..I haven't any clue where I would be now...thank you for helping me smile again...for making me happy...for being you, the most amazingly beautiful person I know....Love is Unforgetable You!
must be a flattering old man with a well tanned skin,
rugged features and white side whiskers. choose the timing and manner have a water fight with me.
but before all that merryment great rock and roll, drinks, party-favors, glowsticks, and a free midnight champagne toast! peanut butter nightmares and scares of not breathing...bring this season to an ending of 23 udders. chocolate balls of orange and red filled with caramel and nuts roasting over a fire And the best part is there was a line around the block with people that could not get in....I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to, "teach me a lesson"...
random thoughts build up in my head from time to time and need to escape...kind of like excessive gas...it's better to just release it then getting a stomachache...
act like the biggest dork...
fart, queef, belch, snarf, sneeze, and
even scratch my butt crack...
cry, like cry as if I were alone...cry..
look like the most doped up retard..
while drooling on myself and making
absolutely no sense...
talk about anything...and I mean anything...
be gently shoved into the crack for trying...
be dirty...like not take a shower for days...
I can be myself...the girl that few get to know and see...
my true colours...you make me a better person...
You are in many ways...my 'better half'...if you weren't in my life..I haven't any clue where I would be now...thank you for helping me smile again...for making me happy...for being you, the most amazingly beautiful person I know....Love is Unforgetable You!
must be a flattering old man with a well tanned skin,
rugged features and white side whiskers. choose the timing and manner have a water fight with me.
but before all that merryment great rock and roll, drinks, party-favors, glowsticks, and a free midnight champagne toast! peanut butter nightmares and scares of not breathing...bring this season to an ending of 23 udders. chocolate balls of orange and red filled with caramel and nuts roasting over a fire And the best part is there was a line around the block with people that could not get in....I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to, "teach me a lesson"...
random thoughts build up in my head from time to time and need to escape...kind of like excessive gas...it's better to just release it then getting a stomachache...
you are totally fucking hot.