Its just amazing how good life has become..
Let me start over.. Its amazing how someone can make you feel that life has become great. I think of all the junk in my life, the heartache, the headaches, the stuff I hate, how I wish my life were over just so that the hurting would stop, and then days like today happen, and you realize that if it weren't for all that stuff that happened in the past today would not have happened the way it did, if even at all.
I've met so many amazing people over the last 5 years, sure I've met alot of jerks too, but without the things that occurred when I was younger, I probably would not have met them. So while I hate my life, its only the past few years beyond 3 that I hate. I love my life from then going forward and love it even more as of today. What happened? None of Your Business.
Let me start over.. Its amazing how someone can make you feel that life has become great. I think of all the junk in my life, the heartache, the headaches, the stuff I hate, how I wish my life were over just so that the hurting would stop, and then days like today happen, and you realize that if it weren't for all that stuff that happened in the past today would not have happened the way it did, if even at all.
I've met so many amazing people over the last 5 years, sure I've met alot of jerks too, but without the things that occurred when I was younger, I probably would not have met them. So while I hate my life, its only the past few years beyond 3 that I hate. I love my life from then going forward and love it even more as of today. What happened? None of Your Business.

yeah she is living in St. louis now, I am not too worried about the restraining order. Not her style plus it has gotten harder to get them in the last 5-10 years. I know, we try for em all the time on some of the pro bono stuff and I am amazed at how many aren't granted that I think should be. Anyway with the phone call thing, I think it is gonna be ok though, we have been playing phone tag since I first called, and each message from her has sounded friendlier than the last. Her last one just said "tag" and I could hear the smile in her voice.
It gladdens my heart that you have joy.