Just came back from doing something I haven't done in 13 years. I went to see a movie with a woman, and had a great time doing so.
To quote Dr. Wayne Daly quoting someone else (I dont remember who):
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Perhaps if I just change the way I look at my life, it isn't so bad. Let's see...
I'm living paycheck to paycheck for the first time in 2 years, I guess that's a good thing right?
I'm the GM of a roleplaying game, and I've had comments from my players that they enjoy my style more than Steve's (who is the GM of a similar game based on the same books). That must count for something, especially since I haven't GM'd (Game Mastered) in about 3 years.
I've spent all of my money that used to be invested for my retirement (I still have a 401K I haven't touched) over the last 2 years, so I guess I don't have to worry about what stocks are hot and which are not.
Yeah... plenty of things don't seem so bad anymore.
OK, others are asking questions.. SO I'll ask one (even though very few people actually see this).
If you could be a tree... no..no..
What did you want to be when you grew.. no not that either..
Boy this is hard.
second... I always wanted to be the guitarist while playing drums...
third... SITA got her answer...
but that said feel free to vent...
I cant say I miss the "I hate my life" endings though