I hate my life.
My Parents part 1
I love my mom and dad. I love how they are there whenever I need them, showing support in almost everything I do that I tell them about. My mom buys new clothes for me without my asking, pays me to water the plants when they're out of town. My dad supports some ideas that I have, even when no one else will, he'll come get me if I'm in trouble and even though I have to sit through his lecture, doesn't delve into what got me there.
My Parents Part 2
I hate my mom sometimes. She rearranges my house when I'm not looking, trying to put things were she thinks they should go (not where I can find them). She told me that when my brother and I were growing up, they "forced" my brother to go into sports and to do things the way my parents wanted, but with me they decided to let me do whatever I wanted to. So I did not go out for sports, I watched t.v. instead. Now my brother is married, 3 kids and makes a ton of money; he was popular in school and got whatever he wanted. I on the other hand was allowed to go wherever I chose, but was not popular, I was very unpopular, I'm single and live by myself, have never been married or even close. I make a below average wage (the only consolation is that I do enjoy my job).
I hate my dad. He's a financial wizard sometimes, but is very condesending and overbearing with his financial pride. He controls me, with money. I found out that he would put money in my name because I was in a lower tax bracket, but not tell me about it, instead insisting that I just sign the tax return and that he would fill it out. I have an inheritance from my grandfather (mom's dad) that I can't touch. It's a lot of money, but my dad's in control of it. I was able to buy a house with it, but the house is in both of our names, so I can't do anything with the equity until after my dad dies. I get the inheritance piecemeal, which is bad for me, because I end up spending it all fairly quickly rather than invest it. Would you believe that 4 months ago I was given $21,000.00 and now I have $800.00 left? Granted I did get new gutters and a new driveway, but the rest went to my addictions. I hate my dad for these addictions, I hate my parents for these addictions, I hate myself for allowing these addictions to overpower my mind and play with me.
I hate my life.
My Parents part 1
I love my mom and dad. I love how they are there whenever I need them, showing support in almost everything I do that I tell them about. My mom buys new clothes for me without my asking, pays me to water the plants when they're out of town. My dad supports some ideas that I have, even when no one else will, he'll come get me if I'm in trouble and even though I have to sit through his lecture, doesn't delve into what got me there.
My Parents Part 2
I hate my mom sometimes. She rearranges my house when I'm not looking, trying to put things were she thinks they should go (not where I can find them). She told me that when my brother and I were growing up, they "forced" my brother to go into sports and to do things the way my parents wanted, but with me they decided to let me do whatever I wanted to. So I did not go out for sports, I watched t.v. instead. Now my brother is married, 3 kids and makes a ton of money; he was popular in school and got whatever he wanted. I on the other hand was allowed to go wherever I chose, but was not popular, I was very unpopular, I'm single and live by myself, have never been married or even close. I make a below average wage (the only consolation is that I do enjoy my job).
I hate my dad. He's a financial wizard sometimes, but is very condesending and overbearing with his financial pride. He controls me, with money. I found out that he would put money in my name because I was in a lower tax bracket, but not tell me about it, instead insisting that I just sign the tax return and that he would fill it out. I have an inheritance from my grandfather (mom's dad) that I can't touch. It's a lot of money, but my dad's in control of it. I was able to buy a house with it, but the house is in both of our names, so I can't do anything with the equity until after my dad dies. I get the inheritance piecemeal, which is bad for me, because I end up spending it all fairly quickly rather than invest it. Would you believe that 4 months ago I was given $21,000.00 and now I have $800.00 left? Granted I did get new gutters and a new driveway, but the rest went to my addictions. I hate my dad for these addictions, I hate my parents for these addictions, I hate myself for allowing these addictions to overpower my mind and play with me.
I hate my life.
to post a pic of benni's rejected set just open her folder... pick the image you want....right click on it... go to properties.... then copy the address where it says URL. Then go the to thread you want to put it in.... click on Image (where it says INSERT)... then paste the URL.
well I never wanted to stop gaming it just seemed like everyone else i new did.