I hate my life.
Women Part I
My age is unimportant, that's why it says 90; its the highest number that this site would allow without thinking I was a 5 year old. I tried putting in my Grandfather's birthday as a testimonial to him. He'd be 98 if he was still alive, he was the only relative who seemed to understand me... but I digress.
I've had a whole 2 girlfriends my entire life, the first when I was 16, which lasted 2 years, and the second when I was 19 which also lasted 2 years. Both of them dumped me. Since then I've become a sex whore. I spent several years like a dope, not looking, thinking someone would just fall in my lap. Now I know that I was stupid. Women aren't interested in old ugly men. I will die childless and alone. The alone part used to scare me, but its something I'm beginning to accept. Anyhoo, since losing my virginity at age 20, I've found that money speaks louder than words or looks. I've "whipped it out" for about 90 women since then, and only a few have been people that I cared anything for, but they aren't interested in me. Again, I've accepted that. But in my travels, I've learned some things about women.
Women are better at everything (almost, men make better cooks and housecleaners) if they apply themselves to it. Women have more "power" than they give themselves credit for. How many guys (and I mean regular guys, not famous ones) can go to any woman and say "let's get it on" with positive results? I cannot imagine any straight guy in their right mind turning down a woman who comes onto them. If he's married, there's a 10% chance he'll turn her down, but in today's world the other 90% would leap at the chance. The problem is that women will "give" their power over to men. Women make better mechanics, doctors, lawyers, you name it. Women get along better with other women faster than men do with other men. Men are in competition with each other more than women are.
to be continued....
I hate my life
Women Part I
My age is unimportant, that's why it says 90; its the highest number that this site would allow without thinking I was a 5 year old. I tried putting in my Grandfather's birthday as a testimonial to him. He'd be 98 if he was still alive, he was the only relative who seemed to understand me... but I digress.
I've had a whole 2 girlfriends my entire life, the first when I was 16, which lasted 2 years, and the second when I was 19 which also lasted 2 years. Both of them dumped me. Since then I've become a sex whore. I spent several years like a dope, not looking, thinking someone would just fall in my lap. Now I know that I was stupid. Women aren't interested in old ugly men. I will die childless and alone. The alone part used to scare me, but its something I'm beginning to accept. Anyhoo, since losing my virginity at age 20, I've found that money speaks louder than words or looks. I've "whipped it out" for about 90 women since then, and only a few have been people that I cared anything for, but they aren't interested in me. Again, I've accepted that. But in my travels, I've learned some things about women.
Women are better at everything (almost, men make better cooks and housecleaners) if they apply themselves to it. Women have more "power" than they give themselves credit for. How many guys (and I mean regular guys, not famous ones) can go to any woman and say "let's get it on" with positive results? I cannot imagine any straight guy in their right mind turning down a woman who comes onto them. If he's married, there's a 10% chance he'll turn her down, but in today's world the other 90% would leap at the chance. The problem is that women will "give" their power over to men. Women make better mechanics, doctors, lawyers, you name it. Women get along better with other women faster than men do with other men. Men are in competition with each other more than women are.
to be continued....
I hate my life
hey hope you had fun.
I can vouch for your theory, the girl I'm interested in would have complete control over me and yet she says things like "you rule me"...I can't believe someone that beautiful and intelligent would just hand over control because of any insecurity or inadaquacy, it is I who should be telling her those very words...but when I do she seems to think I'm joking...love is a very strange thing...