Tired....I always think about my favorite Beatles song...I am so tired.

I first heard it in Chicago. (the picture is of me from those days) I was working at a cafe and I had to be at work at 6am. I was sitting there in the empty bar of the place...no one else had come in yet, so I put the jukebox on that song...I...
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hi sweetie...i do really want to go to the chamber tonight...just depends on the money situation and if i CAN drag you out the door! hehe i know you're going to have a long day. *sigh* now i'm going to have to go listen to that beatles song...i don't think i know that one. i'm sorry i drive you crazy
frown buuut i'm trying to be better.
you put the jam in my jelly roll morton. there's nothing like the clapboard shack and tar paper roof feel of dixieland. jelly roll makes you believe that he can breath life into even the most broken down, rickety, sticky-keyed piano.
hey, i have classical piano training too! i took lessons for about nine years and after a seven year layoff have been playing again for the last nine months. but making the transition from classical to jazz has been frustrating beyond the limits of my patience. my inspiration to play again came from a performance i caught last summer, oscar peterson. if you appreciate a uncanny sense of swing and fingers with incomparable speed, spend an hour or two in your neighborhood record store this weekend sampling a little of oscar pete's sugar sweet licks.
here's hoping that ms. menthol gives you a firm boot in the ass and gets you butt to the chamber. sounds like a good time. have a groovy weekend.
Sooo tired, as usual.
Made sherried mushroom soup for dinner
got a new client today...singer/actress

funny cause I seem to be attracting them lately as clients..I have a voiceover guy whose name is Dick Klinger...I love that.

Lots of work to do.
Life at the magazine where I work is crazy as usual, freelance on top makes me ti-red.

Menthol-grrl and her little sister who...
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i don't know how it happened but my previous comment to you is strangely blank. in hopes of avoiding that weird dead air and disconnection sound that is the trademark of a creeps and stalkers everywhere, i hope to put myself in your good graces by restating my muisical recommendation to you, the verve remixed album. the last cut is a remix of billie holliday's strange fruit, both beautiful and haunting.
*HUGS* so does everyone at your work hate me? why does everyone think that you and i are freaks? do they think we are alcoholics or something? whatever...*sigh* i'm sorry your day is sucky...
cheer up! ya know i love ya!!
people suck.

I have a headache my first day writing on this site. The girls and I drank last night, but I think they spent the latter part of the evening watching me do shots.

Mentholgrrl, my best friend and some others are going up to my friend Lori's house to swim and drink cocktails poolside. We always freak people out at the pool, cause it is...
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hi "colette"! smile your board pic looks very cute... i'm so excited that you went ahead and joined! cool. have a lovely day at work...my sis is coming this afternoon and spending the night...i've got school...and i need to talk to kevin today about the job. *sigh* i'm going to be busy! we were thinking about going to the star bar for karaoke...do you think they'd say anything to my sis? i've never been carded there...she just wanted to do something fun...and it's free to watch people act insane there. wink talk to you later...love ya