This might turn out to be my first proper blog in ages. But then, I know some of you like short bullet pointy ones. Hmmm.
Longish One.
So I work too hard. Everyone tells me this; I don't take breaks, stay late everynight and in 2010 have taken 3 days off so far, and 2 were for moving house. My hairs greying at a horrendous rate, I'm not paid well for the work I do and I'm probably on my way to some sort of retirement day heart attack.
Things won't stay this way; I fully intend to continue my love affair with senior management anus to the point I can have a salary which has at least a 6 at the front and a company car to go with it. At the current rate of acceleration I should arrive before I'm 30. At that point, careers cease to be about hard work and results, and all about delegation of blame and avoiding the bullet (bullets which come with 5 figure softeners). I can't wait.
I run websites by the way - in case anyone cares - if you'd like to see some of these, let me know, but even after 5 years here - I'm still reluctant to publish anything too connected to real life.
But anyway, I didn't write this to whinge, instead celebrate, because Simon is taking some time off. 7 working days in fact (it was 8 but I now have to attend a conference in the middle)! Woo. Put out the bunting. I'm off to Bude in Cornwall/Devon where my brother lives (I've taken less foreign holidays since I started work for a tour operator - odd) for a few days this week - via Bristol for a night to see friends. Then I have a stag in Hereford the week after.
Last week, Kelly and I had a load of Uni friends to stay which was lovely, although crowded and I was drunk and much like me. It was nice.
Short Version
*Working too much. Not had holiday for ages.
*Taking time off. Going to Bude.
*Had a party. It was nice.

Busting shapes on his own at 3am, as per usual. Why, that would be Simon

Boys that I talk to about Beer, Sport and Nipples

Boys and Girls: Girls have Cooties.
What holidays have you been on this year?
Longish One.
So I work too hard. Everyone tells me this; I don't take breaks, stay late everynight and in 2010 have taken 3 days off so far, and 2 were for moving house. My hairs greying at a horrendous rate, I'm not paid well for the work I do and I'm probably on my way to some sort of retirement day heart attack.
Things won't stay this way; I fully intend to continue my love affair with senior management anus to the point I can have a salary which has at least a 6 at the front and a company car to go with it. At the current rate of acceleration I should arrive before I'm 30. At that point, careers cease to be about hard work and results, and all about delegation of blame and avoiding the bullet (bullets which come with 5 figure softeners). I can't wait.
I run websites by the way - in case anyone cares - if you'd like to see some of these, let me know, but even after 5 years here - I'm still reluctant to publish anything too connected to real life.
But anyway, I didn't write this to whinge, instead celebrate, because Simon is taking some time off. 7 working days in fact (it was 8 but I now have to attend a conference in the middle)! Woo. Put out the bunting. I'm off to Bude in Cornwall/Devon where my brother lives (I've taken less foreign holidays since I started work for a tour operator - odd) for a few days this week - via Bristol for a night to see friends. Then I have a stag in Hereford the week after.
Last week, Kelly and I had a load of Uni friends to stay which was lovely, although crowded and I was drunk and much like me. It was nice.
Short Version
*Working too much. Not had holiday for ages.
*Taking time off. Going to Bude.
*Had a party. It was nice.

Busting shapes on his own at 3am, as per usual. Why, that would be Simon

Boys that I talk to about Beer, Sport and Nipples

Boys and Girls: Girls have Cooties.
What holidays have you been on this year?

Yeah you're right...i'll miss her. Thanks