A proper blog....like I used to do.
First off, I opened up the topic of this blog to your petty whims, and so below are my meanderings on your requests.
TheQuestion asked me to write about; "The many ways that you love me."
I do love Adam, in many ways. Ironically, Sarcastically, Subversively and for money. All of them leave me feeling dirty and cheap.
JohnnyForeigner asked me to "create a chart of his greatness."
Unfortunately he didn't specify what type of chart, so I chose to create a pie chart. See below.

Luzzie wanted me to talk about her new hair
I have to point out to Luzzie that it is infact still her old hair, just with colour added to it. She should have asked me to talk about her new "hairstyle". But she didn't.
Ortus wanted me to talk about the artistic merits of Scat porn.
To date, my only experience of Scat Porn is mobile phone based, and it is hard to artistically evaluate any film when you are watching on it on a 2" screen. The cinematography looked ropey, but I might be wrong.
Incidentally, SG was indirectly responsible for my first ever viewing of scat porn. Back in about 2006, I met with a member called Jessiska (long since gone) for a gig in Leeds. She was nice enough, but her friend spent the entire night trying to show me his impressive collection of shitting videos, each more disturbed than the one before it. The gig was rubbish, so I ended up with Shit Company, A shit band and Shit Porn; oh happy days.
Leola asked me to make something up; which I think reflects badly on her and a need to live a lie. Stop trying to drag everyone into your seedy world of half truths and deception!! Honestly, shes Machiavelian to her core. Everyone go and boo at Leola and her massive lies. Her blogs about a countryside existence of bliss and wonder are all fictional, she actually lives in a one bed council house in Romford, eating cereal for 3 meals a day and smoking 80 Gold Mark before lunch. She has two kids called Butch and Trevor, and a Pitbull called Princess. In her sets, they actually have to photoshop in her front teeth!
In actual life news, things have been fairly wonderful, with just the usual hint of crisis lurking. Glastonbury was incredible, I honestly had an amazing time; highlights include Metric, Lily Allen, Dizzee Rascal, Dodgy and of course Blur. Who I saw again on Thursday night. What a show they put on. Graham Coxon is the worlds coolest man.
Unfortunately I came back from Glastonbury with a very poorly car (being fixed Thursday - 250!) and the flu, which I kindly spread around the family home within minutes of getting back. Luckily I'm now recovering, but I really wasn't well for a couple of days last week. Hopefully by the end of this week, me and Zara (the car) will be 100%.
And finally, in 2 weeks I have a job interview internally for a Management role. Wish me luck!!!
First off, I opened up the topic of this blog to your petty whims, and so below are my meanderings on your requests.
TheQuestion asked me to write about; "The many ways that you love me."
I do love Adam, in many ways. Ironically, Sarcastically, Subversively and for money. All of them leave me feeling dirty and cheap.
JohnnyForeigner asked me to "create a chart of his greatness."
Unfortunately he didn't specify what type of chart, so I chose to create a pie chart. See below.

Luzzie wanted me to talk about her new hair
I have to point out to Luzzie that it is infact still her old hair, just with colour added to it. She should have asked me to talk about her new "hairstyle". But she didn't.

Ortus wanted me to talk about the artistic merits of Scat porn.
To date, my only experience of Scat Porn is mobile phone based, and it is hard to artistically evaluate any film when you are watching on it on a 2" screen. The cinematography looked ropey, but I might be wrong.
Incidentally, SG was indirectly responsible for my first ever viewing of scat porn. Back in about 2006, I met with a member called Jessiska (long since gone) for a gig in Leeds. She was nice enough, but her friend spent the entire night trying to show me his impressive collection of shitting videos, each more disturbed than the one before it. The gig was rubbish, so I ended up with Shit Company, A shit band and Shit Porn; oh happy days.
Leola asked me to make something up; which I think reflects badly on her and a need to live a lie. Stop trying to drag everyone into your seedy world of half truths and deception!! Honestly, shes Machiavelian to her core. Everyone go and boo at Leola and her massive lies. Her blogs about a countryside existence of bliss and wonder are all fictional, she actually lives in a one bed council house in Romford, eating cereal for 3 meals a day and smoking 80 Gold Mark before lunch. She has two kids called Butch and Trevor, and a Pitbull called Princess. In her sets, they actually have to photoshop in her front teeth!
In actual life news, things have been fairly wonderful, with just the usual hint of crisis lurking. Glastonbury was incredible, I honestly had an amazing time; highlights include Metric, Lily Allen, Dizzee Rascal, Dodgy and of course Blur. Who I saw again on Thursday night. What a show they put on. Graham Coxon is the worlds coolest man.
Unfortunately I came back from Glastonbury with a very poorly car (being fixed Thursday - 250!) and the flu, which I kindly spread around the family home within minutes of getting back. Luckily I'm now recovering, but I really wasn't well for a couple of days last week. Hopefully by the end of this week, me and Zara (the car) will be 100%.
And finally, in 2 weeks I have a job interview internally for a Management role. Wish me luck!!!
I haven't been up to much, after all I am pretty rubbish. I've mainly been at home praying to the hin-jew gods.What about you?