So, I figure its time I update this.
First off, apologies for my lack of responsiveness around here. I spend so long in front of a PC each day, that I started getting headaches/vision issues etc, so I'm trying to moderate my laptop usage a bit. Plus the social life is in some sort of working order, meaning the interweb is having to cope without me for a while.
I haven't a lot to tell you about, work is ok, money is tight but regular; something a lot of people can't say these days and me and Kel is ticking along nicely.
I guess I could talk about this man, about how inspiring I find him; and how he has broken down years of crusty cynacism, and made me feel some hope. How his very presence has a placebo affect on all of the worlds woes, even before he provides any cures. Lets not expect too much, too soon. He might get it wrong a few times, but I believe he'll get there in the end. He's already provided many of the classic quotes for future generations. Ultimately, what sets him apart from the rest, is that he seems to please the people by chance, rather than pandering to the egos of the world.
He can lead us to a new future, trust me.
First off, apologies for my lack of responsiveness around here. I spend so long in front of a PC each day, that I started getting headaches/vision issues etc, so I'm trying to moderate my laptop usage a bit. Plus the social life is in some sort of working order, meaning the interweb is having to cope without me for a while.
I haven't a lot to tell you about, work is ok, money is tight but regular; something a lot of people can't say these days and me and Kel is ticking along nicely.
I guess I could talk about this man, about how inspiring I find him; and how he has broken down years of crusty cynacism, and made me feel some hope. How his very presence has a placebo affect on all of the worlds woes, even before he provides any cures. Lets not expect too much, too soon. He might get it wrong a few times, but I believe he'll get there in the end. He's already provided many of the classic quotes for future generations. Ultimately, what sets him apart from the rest, is that he seems to please the people by chance, rather than pandering to the egos of the world.
He can lead us to a new future, trust me.

yes you do need to go travelling... where do u fancy? x

I hope you're okay <3