I don't actually start the new job till Monday.
Instead I'm trying to actually comment on peoples journals and make some new SG friends. I've realised that when I haven't heard of a single person on my regional or Members since groups vouch list, that its necessary to be a bit more open to potentially interesting folk.
Obviously that isn't a full time occupation, so I've been stealing media from the interweb quite a lot. This week I have watched a Scanner Darkly (nice idea - shit execution), Sweeney Todd (Great Performances by all, film didn't really do it for me), Juno again (This is in my top 10 films ever - I love everything about it) and still have Michael Clayton, No Country for Old Men, Charlie Wilsons War and Enchanted to watch.
I've also become the king of Zoo Tycoon. Like Seriously. London Zoo would have Pandas coming out of its arse if it gave me a job tomorrow!
All of this of course has been undertaken, whilst unshaven and residing in my dressing gown for the past fortnight.
Away from me and my incredibly exciting life, Sky has been directing us all towards some of the better sets on this site. Now I'm partial to a boobie or two (does anyone else find them more fun in pairs?) but this site managed to lose my interest in that aspect years ago with what felt like a succession of boring, over photoshopped sets and so I stopped looking. Which was silly because between Sky and UKSGs domination of the last week I have seen several sets of awesomeness. So, I thought I'd direct you to a few of my past favourites. I don't really care that much about the quality of the image (I remember when SG sets looked like a caveman had scratched them on his wall), so long as it looks like the model is enjoying herself.
Clio Downpour
Flux The set is called Feral, but absolutely any Flux set is a good set.
Sophie ]In The Kitchen
So there you have some to be getting on with. Feel free to guide me to some of your favorites.
Instead I'm trying to actually comment on peoples journals and make some new SG friends. I've realised that when I haven't heard of a single person on my regional or Members since groups vouch list, that its necessary to be a bit more open to potentially interesting folk.
Obviously that isn't a full time occupation, so I've been stealing media from the interweb quite a lot. This week I have watched a Scanner Darkly (nice idea - shit execution), Sweeney Todd (Great Performances by all, film didn't really do it for me), Juno again (This is in my top 10 films ever - I love everything about it) and still have Michael Clayton, No Country for Old Men, Charlie Wilsons War and Enchanted to watch.
I've also become the king of Zoo Tycoon. Like Seriously. London Zoo would have Pandas coming out of its arse if it gave me a job tomorrow!
All of this of course has been undertaken, whilst unshaven and residing in my dressing gown for the past fortnight.
Away from me and my incredibly exciting life, Sky has been directing us all towards some of the better sets on this site. Now I'm partial to a boobie or two (does anyone else find them more fun in pairs?) but this site managed to lose my interest in that aspect years ago with what felt like a succession of boring, over photoshopped sets and so I stopped looking. Which was silly because between Sky and UKSGs domination of the last week I have seen several sets of awesomeness. So, I thought I'd direct you to a few of my past favourites. I don't really care that much about the quality of the image (I remember when SG sets looked like a caveman had scratched them on his wall), so long as it looks like the model is enjoying herself.
Clio Downpour

Flux The set is called Feral, but absolutely any Flux set is a good set.

Sophie ]In The Kitchen

So there you have some to be getting on with. Feel free to guide me to some of your favorites.
hi can i have your kidneys? 

hehehhee... well i have to wai till i find out wht they think of the set i sent in yesterday before i go pimping my self out,,,,,