I say it best. When I say nothing at all.
I have an interview for a part time job with WH Smith tomorrow. Im hoping and praying I get it because Im so broke its unreal. I have the Edinburgh meet next weekend as well as Leeds beyond that and other commitments with the real world all demanding money.
When to Mr Dancers birrthday last weekend and really enjoyed mysefl. It was excellent to see some of you I havent spoken to for far too long and I also met 3 fantastic new people; Traumatron,Jackie and Sopilistic all of whom thoroughly entertained me. Spending time with SG people is really quite fun, it tends to be filled with raucous laughter, loud swearing and the occasional very serious conversation.
go and tell this fool hes not allowed to leave.
I bought Zelda:Wind Waker for my Gamecube the other week. Ive gotten into it meaning you may see less of me for a few days.
CreamyGoodness showed me the R Kelly Urban Opera on you tube last weekend. Seek it out and prepare to be amazed.
I usually supply the fairly pointless nudity in my journals. I think you lot should this time around. And Ian, dont even bother trying to put the Banana man in my comments or I will pinch you until you plead for me to end your existence.
Bye for Now.
Bye for Now.