This fucking sucks..... I'm basically confined to laying in my bed, or standing in my kitchen. I've got no one to talk to and nothing to do.. not only am I sick, but my back is broken, so yeah literally can't do shit.. if I'm lucky I'll get 5 texts from my girlfriend a day. I haven't gotten any visitors, can't keep any food down cause the constant nausea from the painkillers I'm on that don't even phase the intense pain I'm in..... I really really really wish I could go climb a mountain, but that's not happening for about 6 more months....I'm down to 110lbs including the brace I'm wearing, and depressed as fuck with literally Nothing to do except eat more drugs and stare at my ceiling.... But hey life could be worse, I could be dead!.... Sarcasm if you didn't pick up on that... Now We just wait on the thousands and thousands of dollars worth of hospital bills to roll in, cause you know, major spinal surgery is super cheap when you have no insurance... Also sarcasm... But what the fuck ever I'll find some sort of happiness in this fucking hell I've created, and I don't wanna hear any "stay positive " bullshit, let me smash 4 of your vertebrae and take all your money and leave you immobilized and all alone and let's see how fucking positive you feel!!!! Fuck it time to eat my drugs and pass the fuck out...
More Blogs
Thursday May 23, 2013
What the fuck!? Two good friends died today!!! What the fuck is goi… -
Thursday May 23, 2013
One of my good friends killed himself last night... That's 4 in the p… -
Monday May 20, 2013
I wish I could put my disgust for people and "humanity" in words... B… -
Monday May 20, 2013
Slept like 19 of the past 24 hours -
Sunday May 19, 2013
I fucking love those mornings after I get really drunk, and I wake up… -
Friday May 17, 2013
God damn I'm exhausted!! Destroyed a log cabin and made a chicken coo… -
Tuesday May 14, 2013
I need a cowboy hat....I know that just Sounds wrong and I never thou… -
Monday May 13, 2013
Today I start my new job as a ranch hand, I'm fucking stoked!! -
Friday May 10, 2013
I'm fucking bored... -
Wednesday May 08, 2013
I love you people...
Hope you find some relief soon! Xoxoxo