So the Commodore came over yesterday and we tested out the Korg 4-track I bought. It's suprisingly warm in sound, and comes with some effects that will be good when we want to put those Joy Division Closer-type drum effects on the percussion.
Almost finished with the Orange room, too. Just a fine tooth cleaning of the floor and we'll be able to move the furniture down. Meaning we need to get some furniture for the main gallery.
Glad to have a couple of new friends on my list here - I don't often add anyone! Just not active enough on the boards 'n stuff I guess.
Got a family thingy today which will be most of my afternoon - so it will be good eatin'!
Almost finished with the Orange room, too. Just a fine tooth cleaning of the floor and we'll be able to move the furniture down. Meaning we need to get some furniture for the main gallery.
Glad to have a couple of new friends on my list here - I don't often add anyone! Just not active enough on the boards 'n stuff I guess.
Got a family thingy today which will be most of my afternoon - so it will be good eatin'!

I'd love to wear the sunset. Wouldn't it be nice?
Charlatan? I don't believe you... Prove it!