Sent in a request to start a Wu Tang Clan group.
people would be suprised by how much enws is still made by the clan, def group worthy, considering it would be dick-ish to flood the hip hop group with that.
think im gonna go to Stillborn Fest on the day after xmas. wanna go? yeeaaaahh you do... you wanna see kids get punched and listen to angry music.
fine! dont go..just please dont listen to Adema. thanks
people would be suprised by how much enws is still made by the clan, def group worthy, considering it would be dick-ish to flood the hip hop group with that.
think im gonna go to Stillborn Fest on the day after xmas. wanna go? yeeaaaahh you do... you wanna see kids get punched and listen to angry music.
fine! dont go..just please dont listen to Adema. thanks
I'm shocked that a Wu Tang hasn't been long created!? That's random...but cool!

wu tang clan?