it's o.k. now, i've consolidated my slit personality.i finished my assignment. bloodly postmodernism! makes my head spin. i've been a good boy, i can now go out and drink.
i know how you feel....except i still have so many assignments looming over my head, but fuck it i'm going to drink tonite anyway.
yep, i've gotta do a thesis for my masters...i'm thinking something about yukio mishima and you know of any good books/articles on nihilism? or just, what are your thoughts on nihilism?
come on, smart boy! we can be literature dorks together!
i just finished tom robbins book jitterbug perfume. it's an entertaining read, something a bit lighthearted a change. mind you he deals with some large concepts within the narrative. it's about this guy who decides to become immortal and perfume. he come's up with the strangest metaphors and similes but work somehow. made me laugh.
more boxes at my door. i think i'm addicted to... Read More
glad you got something out of that poem i posted. it seems that you have some pretty decent taste in hip hop here. i remember seeing vadim and mr thing from the scratch perverts do a gig together in perth a few years ago. unbelievable. have you checked you dilated peoples and swollen members? you'd probably dig them too. by the way those drawings you threw up are fairly dope! i wish i could draw...
yes, i have read the stranger a few times, but never the fall.
camus does rock.
you should check out yukio mishima. try to find his short story entitled "patriotism." once you read that you will probably want to read everything he's ever written. that's what happened to me, at least!
maybe you could call him a realist (sometimes)....
his whole personal story is amazing. he was japanese, had a "grotesque" childhood, and eventually ended up committing sepuku (samurai-style ritualistic suicide) in front of a large crowd during a coup de etat he was staging.
and that's only the tip of the iceburg! there's so much more.
i'm working on my master's degree in lterature, so i've read a lot of books by now. and this guy is my favorite of all time. so coming from me, that says something!
The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.
yeah I am a web designer, and getting very sick of it... Very tired of using a mouse and keyboard and staring at the screen all day. I want to do something less virtual :-)
Photography would be cool, working on personal projects, now that, I think would be fun.