it's been an intense week or so. firstly i've ben busy with assignments. i just knew if i even started to look at sg i would be here forever and not do a thing. so why am i here, writing to you instead of working, well i'm drunk. a friend came over with a bottle wine... or two and here i am. guess who it was? well it was that young philly i was after. why am i still friends with her? did i chicken out? well yes and no. remember how thursday was d-day? well she came over early with some big news. that being she got back together with her ex boyfriend. so does know and we're still. never mind i had i great bbq. but now that i've had time to think about it has worked out for the best. i mean we don't really have that much in common. we're binary opposites. she don't even now who hal hartley is, let alone like the unbelievable truth!
danger mouse and mf doom what a combination!!!
and blockhead is shit hot!!
besides lyotard is contradicting himself with that postmodern condition shit
danger mouse and mf doom what a combination!!!
and blockhead is shit hot!!
besides lyotard is contradicting himself with that postmodern condition shit
Having said that I was in a similar situation which ended poorly for all involved...