Wow... it's been a while since I updated.
Not that there was anything really interesting to update about. Had some bad weeks at work, helped a co-worker move, had a couple of days last week with no boss at work, and a frustrating day of her returning.
I went to Underground like usual on Friday. They had 3 bands that I wasn't really impressed with so I spent a lot of time out on the smoking patio.
Saturday, I went down to the San Diego area for a delayed Cinco de Mayo BBQ... LOTS of drinking and good food. So much fun.
Today, I have been resting. I did manage to get out and see the new Star Trek movie. Yes, I was impressed.
Happy Mother's Day to all you who are mothers here.
Not that there was anything really interesting to update about. Had some bad weeks at work, helped a co-worker move, had a couple of days last week with no boss at work, and a frustrating day of her returning.
I went to Underground like usual on Friday. They had 3 bands that I wasn't really impressed with so I spent a lot of time out on the smoking patio.
Saturday, I went down to the San Diego area for a delayed Cinco de Mayo BBQ... LOTS of drinking and good food. So much fun.

Today, I have been resting. I did manage to get out and see the new Star Trek movie. Yes, I was impressed.

Happy Mother's Day to all you who are mothers here.

Wasn't Star Trek fantastic? I think I have a new green chick fetish.
I wish we talked more often like we used to.