Yeah, I know it's been a while since my last post...
Here's what's been going on... for a while there I was having a really bad time at work and didn't feel like posting about it... this lasted for a whole week. The good thing was that I was going to be on vacation for a week shortly after.
What did I do with my vacation time? I was visited by basil123.
She was on spring break and wanted to take a trip all on her own so she came all the way over here to hang out. I took her around Long Beach, to the Long Beach Aquarium where birds decided to sit on her shoulder, drove up to Venice Beach, checked out an interesting taxadermy/animal specimen shop on Melrose, spent an evening at my second family's house, drove up to San Jose to visit my family for Easter weekend, went to Universal Studios, and finished off hanging out in Long Beach again. Lots of fun was had. Of course in my usual fashion, I didn't get very many pics (mostly because I forgot my camera on a few occasions). Maybe on her next visit, her boyfriend will be here as well and we all can take a road trip somewhere else to keep giving them new and exciting experiences. But I'm so glad she made it out... it was just the fun break from my life that I needed. 
Here's what's been going on... for a while there I was having a really bad time at work and didn't feel like posting about it... this lasted for a whole week. The good thing was that I was going to be on vacation for a week shortly after.
What did I do with my vacation time? I was visited by basil123.

Sounds like a blast
Yay vacation!