I had a great weekend. Played games with 40 other high-functioning nerds and got to be the giant talking cockroach, the 30s gangster with tommy guns for hands and the Engliish WWI deserter dillatante. Good times!
And in some Real Life (TM) excitement, Sophie got hit on by the Panamanian Men's Soccer Team. "Muy linda! Muy linda!"
Apparently we were sharing the same Boston hotel. I wasn't there to witness the event (and then get to brawl with the PMST . . . who's got my back!? . . . [crickets] . . . ), but I understand that they were very handsome, very fit men (muy lindo), and no doubt provoked a Willpower save from Miss Sweetie, or perhaps an opposed Charisma roll against me. I don't know for sure, because God makes all His rolls behind the screen.
Naturally, I won. I'd like to think due to my cooking skills. If there's one thing I know, it's that Atheletes Don't Cook.
Now, I don't play soccer, but of course after Saturday's match neitiher do they.
And in some Real Life (TM) excitement, Sophie got hit on by the Panamanian Men's Soccer Team. "Muy linda! Muy linda!"
Apparently we were sharing the same Boston hotel. I wasn't there to witness the event (and then get to brawl with the PMST . . . who's got my back!? . . . [crickets] . . . ), but I understand that they were very handsome, very fit men (muy lindo), and no doubt provoked a Willpower save from Miss Sweetie, or perhaps an opposed Charisma roll against me. I don't know for sure, because God makes all His rolls behind the screen.
Naturally, I won. I'd like to think due to my cooking skills. If there's one thing I know, it's that Atheletes Don't Cook.
Now, I don't play soccer, but of course after Saturday's match neitiher do they.
Can't wait for Wednesday's game vs. Uruguay!