4 mal schneller!?
Well, not *practically* -- I've been doing my research, and while it may be 4 mal schneller in floating-point calculations, it's only going to be a couple mal schneller in click-to-click experience.
2 mal schneller!?!
I'm totally getting it.
Why don't you come tell the SG world how much you love your new baby? How shiny she is and how hot she gets you? How we are lame and just call her MacBook Pro, because we're too wowed by her presence to give her a nickname?
Err.. so let's see. Yes, Steph sent me your way because she somehow saw that I was a fan of SG. I think it was one of those silly "Get to Know Me" email forward BS things where you had to include something about your favorite websites and she emailed me suggesting I look you up. We worked together about 10-ish years ago (I moved to Tempe about 5 years ago, grew up in Lawrence) and had a mutual friend and we all just kind of clicked. She's just really a great person! Another mutual friend of ours recently died of cancer so we sort of made this pact not to fall out of touch like we had.