Friday Nov 04, 2005 Nov 4, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 11 of 11 COMMENTS kristie: He's the best Mister Mouse EVER! Re: Sophie's comment: MrGoose's sex jokes always involve Uranus. Seriously. Always. Nov 5, 2005 anbuvampyre: LOLLLLLLL when i looked at it before i thought it was a crazy creature holding a breifcase, now I see that its the super mouse =D oh and I paid heterosexual tribune to you in my last entry =D [Edited on Nov 05, 2005 11:20PM] Nov 5, 2005
Re: Sophie's comment:
MrGoose's sex jokes always involve Uranus.
oh and I paid heterosexual tribune to you in my last entry =D
[Edited on Nov 05, 2005 11:20PM]