I was trying to get a picture on my page and it seems it's not meant to be. I transferred a photo from my home computer to email. Then I downloaded the photo on my work computer which has photoshop and manipulated it to the appropriate pixel dimensions. Then I downloaded the doctored picture onto my home computer but the website wouldn't accept it saying it wasn't a jpg/gif even though it is a jpg. oh well. I have an old ibook. If anyone out there can help feel free to give me advice and then all you folks can be exposed to my radiant fizzog.
I had a great time camping last weekend at Algonquin park in Ontario. Now I'm back in the science lab making XXX videos of rat social interactions.
I had a great time camping last weekend at Algonquin park in Ontario. Now I'm back in the science lab making XXX videos of rat social interactions.
thank you for your comment on my photoset!!! very kind!