I was trying to get a picture on my page and it seems it's not meant to be. I transferred a photo from my home computer to email. Then I downloaded the photo on my work computer which has photoshop and manipulated it to the appropriate pixel dimensions. Then I downloaded the doctored picture onto my home computer but the website wouldn't accept it saying...
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thank you for your comment on my photoset!!! very kind!
i haven't been on this site much the last couple of days. My descent into the world of the internet has progressed and now I'm hooked on internet scrabble. Given the choice between a board game and a hoard of alluring women it seems I've chosen the game. At least for the time being. Also I'm going camping this weekend.
scrabble is not the worst of it. MSN has a whole list of games one can spend ours on. And they keep making more...
I saw a very unique movie last night, singapore sling. This movie was some kind of film school project gone wrong. It was about this mother and daughter that live alone in some sick incestuous relation and kill the men who come to their house (after screwing them electrocuting them, vomiting on them--during coitus. ) Also the two women eat boiled horse heads slowly and...
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What is it like being me?

It's like being a cracked mint-green tea cup without a handle, stuck on a shelf in some dingy flat overlooking the bloody crime scene in the middle of the roundabout.
Heh heh. No doubt Lou has a well-developed ego..... but isn' it part of his charm? I think, in Songs for Drella, Hello it's me and Faces and names were the songs where he came the closest to overcome his ego... maybe he didn't try the hardest. :-)
hi I'm new, I wondered what it'd be like to join, people say it's gross and messy but I don't care.
your name is similar to mine.
either i must destroy you
or you must bcome my android.
you make the call.
ooh...harold and maude is CLASSIC.
i was wondering how long it would take Cypher to notice Cipher.... this could get ugly....