To start, a little taste of home, for those of you unfamiliar with my origins. Odds I know the folks that did this: 92%. Odds that I would've been involved in this if I still lived there: 65%.
Another weird moment last night. Walking south along the Mississippi boulevard, Interpol's Untitled came on the mixed CD I was playing. This song always makes me very reflective, so I stopped, looked back on the route I'd been walking, and realized that not much more than two years ago was the last time I took that route south. In itself, unremarkable--except at the time I was also pining for (& having complications with) a girl named Sarah. AND both times I was nic-fitting like crazy, trying to quit for said girls.
I found it amusing, anyway. Everything's a goddamn circle.
And fuck I'm wired. Time for a caffeine intake recap:
10:00 AM, one medium coffee from SA, $1.09, mixed with hazelnut flavored creamer and liberal sugar. Yummy.
2:00 PM, one mountain dew (bad idea)
8:30 PM, while discussing sundries with my writing group at Wilde Roast, one of the clerks brings over a rather large espresso, offering it around the table. Apparently it had been made accidentally, and no one else wanted it. But I suspect he felt bad for the forlorn fellow too poor to be buying fancy, tasty drinks.
2:30-5 AM, 1 pot of Perkins coffee, combined with a couple of cigarettes and some Sartre to make for an interesting evening. Easily worth $1.55.
So I am wired. Fuck. Aging is amazing; I remember being 14ish, drinking 8 or 9 sodas and feeling no differently, falling asleep easily. I can't imagine why anyone needs a stimulant stronger than that shit. My heart would fucking explode.
Today is going to suck; there's nothing to be done about that. But it's also Wednesday, which means free bagels for us commuters. I lie in patient wait, as a jungle cat, the edge of hunger driving a steely gaze.
Bullshit. I wannem now.
To start, a little taste of home, for those of you unfamiliar with my origins. Odds I know the folks that did this: 92%. Odds that I would've been involved in this if I still lived there: 65%.
Another weird moment last night. Walking south along the Mississippi boulevard, Interpol's Untitled came on the mixed CD I was playing. This song always makes me very reflective, so I stopped, looked back on the route I'd been walking, and realized that not much more than two years ago was the last time I took that route south. In itself, unremarkable--except at the time I was also pining for (& having complications with) a girl named Sarah. AND both times I was nic-fitting like crazy, trying to quit for said girls.
I found it amusing, anyway. Everything's a goddamn circle.
And fuck I'm wired. Time for a caffeine intake recap:
10:00 AM, one medium coffee from SA, $1.09, mixed with hazelnut flavored creamer and liberal sugar. Yummy.
2:00 PM, one mountain dew (bad idea)
8:30 PM, while discussing sundries with my writing group at Wilde Roast, one of the clerks brings over a rather large espresso, offering it around the table. Apparently it had been made accidentally, and no one else wanted it. But I suspect he felt bad for the forlorn fellow too poor to be buying fancy, tasty drinks.
2:30-5 AM, 1 pot of Perkins coffee, combined with a couple of cigarettes and some Sartre to make for an interesting evening. Easily worth $1.55.
So I am wired. Fuck. Aging is amazing; I remember being 14ish, drinking 8 or 9 sodas and feeling no differently, falling asleep easily. I can't imagine why anyone needs a stimulant stronger than that shit. My heart would fucking explode.
Today is going to suck; there's nothing to be done about that. But it's also Wednesday, which means free bagels for us commuters. I lie in patient wait, as a jungle cat, the edge of hunger driving a steely gaze.
Bullshit. I wannem now.
last time i tried to quit smoking i almost died of a headache, i'm assuming the same would happen if i stopped my caffine intake.
for good measure: FUCK