I drove out to the barn today where I used to ride. It was fun but depressing. I rode for about 9 years and retrained an abused horse for about 2 and a half years before I had to quit...the doctors made me. I really regret not being able to ride...I miss it like crazy but it was good to see everyone again. It's weird...
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that sucksfrown but at least you found another passion in life. few of us can be so lucky!
"yo it's three thousand thirty i want yall to meet deltron zero and automator"
Well on Friday night I drove out with Steven to the Center twp. VFW to see a show. Giving Chase was playing there and so he met up with them there and then left with the band later that night.

A Wilhelm Scream played there and they were so awesome. I'd listened to Smackin Isaiah before and hadn't really listened to any of their stuff...
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Today was an awesome day. My sister and I went shopping and we had a really good day together which, lately, is a bit of a rarity...it makes me sad but I'll take what I can get.

After Steven got off work today, he brought the rats over. Cricket is not really sneezing anymore which is awesome biggrin Steven leaves to go on tour with Giving...
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the end product is gonna be a pretty sweet tattoo of archangel michael. it's a memorial tattoo for my dad (michael), so that's the only real significance. i'm not catholic, just to preempt you there. i get asked that a lot. just thought it was a fitting living monument
if you look in my random pics folder, there's a couple old pics when it was just outlined and shaded, then towards the top there are a couple of the color job i just did about 3 or 4 days ago. it's just starting to peel a bit, so i'll have to wait to take some more pics for ya
My keyboard is definately retarded. For the first five minutes of typing, it seemed like a shift key was stuck in...only they looked perfectly fine. Then all of the sudden it went back to normal. Weird.

Ho Hum.

Yesterday was a brilliant day!!! I got a rat! She is living with Steven's rat, Mako, and she is so so cute. Her name is Cricket (and...
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Well, your new rat my have allergies to your old rat's cage lining so I wouldn't be to worried. Don't feel to bad about being screwed at work because it happens to me on a regular basis. I work as a cook in the worst managed resturant in robinson twp. The managers never call in backup cooks if we get swamped and they also don't care if the morning staff gets their prep and cleaning done. I get my butthole loosened every weekend due to this. biggrin
Today was was super eventful and very uneventful at the same time...this morning started off bright and early with a 8 o'clock graduation practice at my school. After that I hung around with a friend, so on and so forth.

Once I was back home MOLLY called me! Molly is wonderful wonderfulness wrapped up in this super bubbly and loving person who was my roommate...
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its ok...if you said something thoughtful and intelligent in response, my rambling would just look stupid, because in reality i didn't think about it much at all. except for the part about vikings. that, of course, was a carefully formulated thesis.

just tell steeeeeve to shut up because he has 6 e's in his name, and therefore should not be permitted to have an opinion. then again, i suppose i have something to do with him going away for a month, so maybe i should just leave through that door i came in...

cedar point day is june 19th, check the thread in the SGpittsbugrh group

It's 11:35am and I am sitting here board to tears. I hauled myself out of bed this morning at 8 so that I could help a friend move into his appt. He told me "call when you are up and I'll tell you where to go." We'll...at 9 I was ready to leave and since then have called a few times to no avail....
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ugh, that sucks. i would definitely be angry with someone if i got up early for no reason.

and the old monopoly version is called strictly 'pittsburgh', my grandfather took the picture on the box.. the new one is called 'pittsburgh in a box' wink

one must only get up early if one is prepared to kill by the early morning light. otherwise, one is inclined to sleep until the view comes on, because what is life without star jones?
la la la la

my first brandy new credit card came today and I'm excited...go me...

steven was waiting for me when I got out to my truck after work and that just totally made my night...

i'm in the best mood

fuck yea...im going to go listen to music on my new speakers love
steve makes my night sometimes. but thats, ummm...different whatever
hurry for made nights.. i like when that happends!
The day has been eventful so far, at least for me, which is a definate plus seeing as its only 12:15 and most of the day is yet to come. I was at church this morning and there were some quotes in the bulletin and one really hit me kind of hard.

"A myriad of men are born; they scramble for little mean advantages over...
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Right now i feel like im in a tunnel...just from lack of sleep....blahhh

i'm so fucking glad that school will be over in just a few days...im really getting sick of being second best...summer will fucking rock my socks off, work wont be too bad, nothing i cant handle, and the entire time ill be getting closer and closer to actually attending an art school!...
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welcommen mishka
thats a good school. do you have nagle for art class? im a former sv student myself.. i miss him, but i still talk to him online every so often!

good luck with school miao!!
So things are really looking up. I finally get to see steven almost everyday! I also met giving chase this weekend, it was awesome to finally put names to faces, and see them live.

stauff and i were out sketching today when everything was all wet from the rain and wound up getting caught in a down pour. being already soaked by the time we...
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i rock
another pittsburgh area kid!!!