I'm learning to drive a stick. This has been going on for about 2 years now. But I learned more tonight and actually managed to start a couple times and make it smooth. GO ME! If I stall once, I get really pissed and then kind of spastic and it all goes down hill...which is why I'm two years into this and still not able...
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Ooooooo...I got a scanner today!

he said he knew somone on the site, that graduated recently. miao!!
cool! i got an epson (not the salt) smile
I was in the woods on Friday and bugs had an absolute feast. On me.

I am itchy as fuck and hoping it isn't poison ivy as well....

argh. mad
I spent the night over at my friends and got really crappy sleep because Steve is a bed-hog.

Bed hogs suck.

We got up super early, my friend and I, and drove down near Edgewood to help paint our art teacher's studio he's building. It was interesting trying to wedge myself in tiny spaces, but I had fun...I went to work fairly covered in paint...
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Oh man, I go to Canada in just a little over a week!

I love you frien-frien!!!! biggrin
That reunion I went to was amazing. Most of the people I hadn't seen for a year and it was such a fucking blast to go crazy and jump all over everyone. I was back on the Govie stomping grounds but it was really hard to take in the fact that we were only there for a day....and we wouldnt be going back to our...
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I'm so excited and no one can piss on my cloud-with-silver-lining!

I got off work, this weekend is a go.

Here I come PGSA
So I managed to completely fuck myself over for this weekend. I've known for months about this reunion at Gov. school but somehow managed to space out and agreed to work for people on Friday and Sat (I'll leave fri morning and not come home until sat evening)

I'm dumb like that.
Hopefully I'll be able to find other people to work for me or...
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Two days ago I went out to the barn and rode for the first time in a loooong time. I didn't really do anything fancy but I was really amazed that the things I remembered, and I wasn't even aware I had retained the knowledge. It was so fun to be back in the saddle but oh hell am I sore. A good kind of...
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holy cuteness girl!!. please please post some pix of yourself. i love tiny girls, and from your stats, i would love to see that 5'2" frame of yours
Steven came home early. Their van broke down and was expensive to fix so they had to cancel the rest of tour. That sucks.

I stretched and prepped a canvas today for a painting I was commissioned for. I'm excited to work on it and even more excited about getting commissioned. While I was down buying supplies, I stumbled upon the most amazing deal. All...
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