Through my wide open window I hear the clock chiming eleven, two birds chirping, and lots of cars whizzing by, off to do the things that people in cars do. The sun in blazing in, and if I ignore the snow on the ground, I might even be able to pretend it is spring!
What a lovely morning to not be at work! Its a great feeling, knowing I have an entire week to myself. What is a girl to do...?
Well, some plans:
Make bread. This is something I haven't done in years (not since I moved to Calgary). There is nothing quite like the smell of fresh bread baking in your oven. Eating it still warm and slathered with butter isn't so bad, either.

Go to chinatown. Drink bubble tea. Buy a few dishes. Walk around the shops smelling all the herbs and little dried fishies. I think I'll even take one of my cameras! They've been feeling left out lately.
Dance my little butt off. If anyone is interested in joining me for said dancing, come to Broken City on Wednesday night. A good time will be had by all...
I also plan to <<WARNING MAJOR GEEKERY AHEAD!>> Level up to 24 on my night elf hunter and get my tailoring to artisan level. Sorry, Warcraft.
If anyone would like to join me for some afternoon tea, or whatever else tickles your fancy, drop me a line! I'd love to fit you into my *ahem* busy schedule.

Today's question:
If you could go back in time to any era, what would you choose?
Past time like books with knights and such in them, but I think actually living in the medeival era would've kind of sucked. It might've been fun to be rich in the late forties. High glamour and what not.
I've got Thursday and Friday this week. Drop me a line if you care to.